Bi-partitionship has ruined this country, The Democratic and - TopicsExpress


Bi-partitionship has ruined this country, The Democratic and Republican party have successfully lead you to believe our country is split. They made you pick a side and brainwashed you to fight for that side. When in reality WE are all the common people. From the manager to the janitor WE are the people of the United States and WE deserve to have our voice heard. Yet WE turn to the top 1% to make our decisions for us. I dont give a shit about President Barack Obama as he and his family will be well taken care of, I could care less about Senator Ted Cruz or Mark Rubio as they will be taken care of. I do however care about my grandparents, my parents, and the people I share my life with. Its time WE as the people of this nation stand up and say no more! For too long we have been deceived, for too long we have watched our veterans suffer, and for too long we have watched our leaders thrive as the counties backbone workforce crumbles. This is a message to the people, this is a message to my peers, this midterm election will be our most important! Do your research and find the candidate that best suits the voice of our people. And before that STOP WATCHING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. They are the fan to the fire and the smoke is blowing in our face! Support your local journalist as well as become your own. WE forget that this country is a DEMOCRACY and WE have the power! WE HAVE THE VOICE!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:34:09 +0000

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