[Bible Study participants] What does it mean when He says to stop - TopicsExpress


[Bible Study participants] What does it mean when He says to stop judging His Word? [YahuShua] Beloved, the time of testing is past, yet you test Me still. I had sent out My messengers to give you meat and drink for your souls... Even My word convicts, and brings all who receive of it into subjection... Even it has become your judge, causing you to judge within yourselves also... A revealing of your faiths, and that which your trust is built upon. Yet you sit there, pushing out your hand when the Word opposes your will, refusing to be broken. Therefore, you have judged My Word and My prophets, and to judge My messengers is to also judge My Word, for any who refuse My messengers can by no means receive My message... And one who judges them has blinded themselves to My Word, unable to see. There are none righteous... No, not one... Save He who has sent the Message. For one who delivers My word must also be its recipient, or how can I continue to send them? Therefore, again I tell you, one who is a judge can do nothing and will receive nothing... Even that which they have will be taken from them. For human judgment leads to doubt, listening to the accuser rather than God... There is one Judge! The time of testing is past, beloved... What I have written, stays written, and what I have spoken, STANDS... Those, who refuse to be moved, remained chained. The time of choosing has come and shall soon be finished... All shall be sifted. Even by this word it shall be so, even by My words gone before is it accomplished... For I am that sword, slaying all in their hearts... Some to brokenness, while others to the hardening... Even so, amen. For the time has come, where ALL shall be moved from their places and shall serve... Serving God in Truth, or this world and its false king... Even with many tears, amen. Even now, these hardened serve themselves and have forgotten Me. Therefore, come to Me as a child, for in this is My love revealed. For that which I have spoken, concerning the little ones, is that which I require of you, for they remember, and from this knowledge will not hesitate... They run to Me with all abandonment, even as a moth to a flame... For the little ones hate the darkness and live in the light... Therefore, come to Me... I am your Father... Collapse in My arms, and never leave Me. Write My name in your hearts, and do My commandments, for by these shall you testify. Go!... No more time to tarry.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:04:04 +0000

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