Bismilaahi Rahmaani Raheem. Wa sawlallaahu alaa sayidil Kulli - TopicsExpress


Bismilaahi Rahmaani Raheem. Wa sawlallaahu alaa sayidil Kulli wa aalihi Haqqa Qadri wa miqdaarihil Azeem. #The Supreme Rasuulallah(saw). The Noble Prophet (saw) has been granted Miracles like no other Prophet, yet His life, un-paralleled qualities were not in need of any miracles as those who saw the Blessed Prophet(saw) knew He had to be a Prophet. It was the grace of Allah that He wished to raise to His Most Beloved of Creation that He granted Him the miracles and powers so that the people of all times can be witness of the rank and Honour #bestowed upon Rasuululah(saw). Wallahi Tallahi #Bilaahi Lazii. The deeds of any believer can never be sufficient on the day of resurrection and therefore Even, Awliya, Aqtabs, angels and Prophets(as) will be seeking the #waseela( intercession of My Master (saw). May our parents be sacrificed for His sake, this is how The blessed companions would address Rasuululah(saw). Would have the hard ground made soft by Allah and the soft ground would be made hard so that The #Beloved of Allah(saw) find comfort as He placed His Blessed Feet on the ground to walk. Stones, Tress, kai fa everything in creation sends salawat ( blessing) on The beloved one(saw). As My Master walked and a cloud would follow Him to give Him shade from the scorching heat of Arabia. Laa Ilaa Ha Illa Laah* Muhammadur Rasuululah(saw). Would have a scent transpiring from His Blessed body which would scent the streets even after Rasuululah(saw) have passed there, and drops of sweat from The #Beloved were collected by The blessed companions and were used as perfume. My Focus is Rasuululah(saw).
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:13:53 +0000

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