Bismillahir Rahmanee Raheem, classes have begun - TopicsExpress


Bismillahir Rahmanee Raheem, classes have begun again...Alhamdullilah for the knowledge of Islaam. My dearest sisters and brothers their is so much knowledge about Islam on the internet out there, but we must be very careful to not get the wrong knowledge and follow it. It was narrated from Mu’aawiyah ibn Abi Sufyaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) that he said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood among us and said: “Those who came before you of the people of the Book split into seventy-two sects, and this ummah will split into seventy-three: seventy-two in Hell and one in Paradise, and that is the jamaa’ah (main body of Muslims).” Narrated by Abu Dawood (4597) and others; classed as saheeh by al-Haakim (1/128) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also described them in the following terms: “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They said: Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.” This is mentioned in the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr which was recorded and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi (2641). It was also classed as hasan by al-‘Iraaqi in Ahkaam al-Qur’aan (3/432), al-‘Iraaqi in Takhreej al-Ihya’ (3/284) and al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi. This means we need to know the life of the Prophet (Sallahe Alhee Wa Sallaam) inside out as well as the lives of the Sahaba (Radee Allaahu Anhum). We need to learn from the correct sources, to make sure we are not following the deviant sects. What may seem like the correct way sometimes really is the wrong way. People killing innocent people, killing their own Muslims, and taking their possessions....not the right way.... May Allaah guide us to the straight path, and make us among the sect who will enter Jannah. Ameen. IslamicOnlineUniversity offers free diploma courses and BA Degree online programs that you can do in your own home.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:14:29 +0000

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