Biting My Tongue: For several days now I have been biting my - TopicsExpress


Biting My Tongue: For several days now I have been biting my tongue and not typing on Fb because my Grandpa taught me to never say anything if I didn’t have anything good to say!!! There is always something good to say even in the worst of times, but anger blinds us from seeing the beauty of life! I really think people are trying to get me to forgive them seven times seventy-in essence, they are relentless in giving me a break or a moment of peace while in their presence! Two specific-okay maybe three-people come to mind-The number one person (friend) makes me cry continually when I am around them or in their presence when I just want to smile! I just want to be their friend! The number two person refuses to speak to me when I am in their presence (specifically Church) and I have done absolutely nothing to them! The third person (family) will not be quiet for one moment while I am in their presence and I do not desire their advice on how to live my life! Three different situations with three different people who are suppose to show me love, but instead show me unkindness and are very unconsiderate of what they are putting me through emotionally on top of being sick! I have not handled them with Christian-like manner at times! My friend and I are growing closer and closer apart and it saddens me, but I can’t seem to keep my big mouth shut and they can’t seem to open theirs unless they are putting me down and it drives me crazy even if they are not always serious! The Church goer and yes I said a Church goer because people serving God or at least trying to serve God will not ignore others especially those very sick that need prayer and turn their heads or stick their noses up in the air and refuse to speak when they call themselves a Christian and take part in Church! I allowed this to bother me to the point that I replied to another Church member that they wouldn’t speak to me if I was dying! I should have prayed for them instead! I was not helping the situation but sowing discord which God hates! My sin of running my mouth is no worse than their sin of ignoring me and I know they only do it to make me mad because if another Church member were to be looking-they would speak and give me a great big smile! Bottom line-they are a hypocrite-only pretending to be something they are not and they are only miserable inside-thus an even greater reason they need prayer! Every Church has hypocrites so I am not portraying the Church as perfect-number one reason-I am a member there and I fail daily-most times with the same thing over and over again-this week controlling my tongue! The tongue is the lightest muscle in the body but the hardest to keep down-true!!! I feel neglected by my friend, especially when I need them the most; yet when we do spend time together-it isn’t pleasant because of the words that are spoken! My family member likes to tell me what I could do better, but they can’t be faithful to God; yet they think they have all the answers to my life when they are truly one of the saddest people I have ever met! If they have all the answers to life then they should work on their own life before trying to per-fect mine! I don’t need to follow their advice but simply to follow the Word of God-not their Word! And no-they do not mean well, because they get angry that I refuse to live my life as they suggest! Then I am dealing with literally starving to death-I have tried so hard to drink as much liquid as possible this week-Scleroderma is not killing me-stress is killing me and you too! I have the butterfly rash across my face with the lupus because of a flare-up (too much stress)! Stress causes inflammation and I have enough without any thorns in my flesh! We all gotta have one (a thorn in our flesh), but I have a triple dose-three of them!!! God never allows more than we can bear-I have been so angry and God is just allowing me to see who I really am especially without prayer! I have been depending too much on my thoughts and not on enough prayer! The result is anger and Satan wants the anger to stay so that it will turn to bitterness! Bitterness starts filling up the heart and pushes love out of the heart and if we don’t pray-we become bitter, without love and mercy-even if only to those who hurt us-whether emotionally, physically, mentally or even spiritually! Yes, we can be spiritually hurt-how distracting is it to watch someone portray themselves as at the foot of the cross when they cannot even speak to other Christians? If we are not very careful, we will allow their actions and their weaknesses to turn our thoughts away from God through anger and we will not hear what God is saying to us! What is God saying to me-I am no different than the friend, Church or family member when I harbor anger-I need forgiveness no differently than they do! So when I say, “God, I just do not understand how they can act that way time after time-day after day and never be sorry!” God replies, “SeLena, I do not understand how you have faith with all your sickness and trials, you pray and understand that everything is for a purpose; yet when I allow you to be put in trying situations with people that seem to be a thorn in your flesh day after day- you turn to anger instead of turning to me-time after time-and are not sorry that you didn’t stop to pray! Everything is still for a purpose-I am only trying to make you better-keep the faith in ALL circumstances!” God cares and He sees every tear, but He also knows that to have a forgiving spirit, we must be put in circumstances and situations that we would rather avoid in order to put forgiveness to work and really and truly be able to say-I forgive them and mean it with all our heart-even if it is seven times seventy in one day!!! And if you can’t seem to forgive, try literally biting your tongue every time you have something to say that would not be pleasing to God and eventually you will be glad to keep your mouth shut and your tongue down; but if you try prayer instead-there is instant healing and nothing hurts or burns when it touches your tongue because you have bite marks in order to keep it down! God can give you the strength to not only hold your tongue down, but the ability to forgive those who despitefully hurt you and keep your heart flowing with plenty of love instead of filling it up with anger!!! Words hurt and they can never be taken back, so be careful and bite your tongue if you must; but prayer makes even the ugliest heart beautiful!!! What if God didn’t forgive us seven times seventy??? A forgiving heart is a happy heart and that is what brings peace and contentment-not our circumstances, but putting God in our circumstances and forgiving one another!!!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:59:03 +0000

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