Black Friday (and now Thursday)...satans revenge on - TopicsExpress


Black Friday (and now Thursday)...satans revenge on Thanksgiving... Thanksgiving Day we all sit around gorging on Gods bountiful blessings, supposedly giving thanks to Him for all He has provided for us. As soon as we eat, many hustle and bustle getting ready to go out to the shopping malls to show off their greed and self indulgence...their public display of being ungrateful. What does it gain a man to have riches and lose his soul? What good are worldly possessions when we die? Do you plan to take them with you? Isnt this just the thing we want to teach our children? Let us pretend being thankful while we plan our indulgence in worldly goods? I know so many who live from year to year planning this pathetic event. They stay up all night, fight over unneeded and useless items, some even resort to violence to get the newest toy or electronic device that will wind up broken or thrown away as a newer model comes on the market. They place their lives in jeopardy just to satisfy their greed and worldly pleasure. How do you think God feels while watching this disgusting display? Do you think He feels your gratitude? NO! The Bible clearly tells us not to store up treasures on earth where they have no value, but to store up our treasures in Heaven. Search your heart and please just say no to this snare of satan to lure you into his vacuum of evil desires. The choice is yours, of course, but just be sure where you place your values...on God and His Kingdom or on this world...satans domain. You will face this decision one day soon, so please choose wisely.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:18:25 +0000

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