Black people are good people, very religiously inclined by nature. - TopicsExpress


Black people are good people, very religiously inclined by nature. The slavemasters used our nature against us for centuries. They used our natural abilities against ourselves. The Black slaves’ nature was the nature of God. But being robbed of the knowledge of self, truth and goodness, we took what the slavemasters taught us about ourselves as the truth and good, although what they taught us were lies and evil. It’s natural for us to accept God and His truth. We were deceived into believing that God was backing the slavemasters and that their teachings of God were from Him. For the first time, we now are really learning that we are members of God’s family and how. We were and are descendants from the Creator of the universe. But thinking that the slavemaster was teaching divine truth, our people came to love the white man’s lies. It’s easier to shake a person from a lie if you can get to them before they get too deep in loving the lie. But when love for the lie has set in, it becomes hard for the deceived to give up the lie. He won’t be willing to give it up, even when he begins to see the lie as a lie. Anyone in that deceived state or condition will oppose anyone who comes to destroy the lie and replace it with truth. He will fight the truth with the only thing he has—the lie. He will also defend the one who taught him the lie, because he has also come to love the liar. And, of course, to love a liar and his lie means to hate the truth and its bearer. The white man made the Black man and woman, whom they made slaves, to hate themselves. This was, and is, the most terrible or the worst kind of robbery imaginable or that can occur, for truth and goodness are essential parts of our (Black) people’s nature. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that our slavemasters warped our minds. “Warp” means to turn from the true, natural or the right course; to become bent or twisted out of shape; distorted; turned from a healthy, sane or normal condition; biased (said of the mind, character, judgment, etc.). They did this to our minds by deceiving our parents into thinking they would get a better life after they died—after they killed the slaves, in one way or another. This lie was taught to the slaves to control them. They did not want the slaves thinking over and really wanting the wealth the slaves were producing for the masters while both were alive. The slavemasters knew that no dead slave could return to tell the others that the slavemaster lied. The slavemasters’ teachings misdirected the slaves’ natural longing for a better life into fantasy and illusions. It still does. They filled the slaves’ imaginations with an illusory heaven to which they would go only if they obeyed their masters. This is still in effect because we haven’t stopped loving their lies. Moreover, the slaves saw no way to get a better life while they lived. Therefore, the slaves put their hopes for a good life beyond death because of the lies of the masters. They subconsciously planned for death—not for life—because of the lies of their masters. So, the crushing weight of slavery, combined with the master’s deceptive teachings on Jesus, produced an intense yearning in them for deliverance through a deliverer—JESUS. ~Brother Minister Jabril Muhammad
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:52:00 +0000

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