Blaine Richardson - on the Issues--- A Lifetime Of Answering - TopicsExpress


Blaine Richardson - on the Issues--- A Lifetime Of Answering The Call My country called during the Vietnam War and I answered. I was drafted and then enlisted into the United States Navy after graduating college, on August 2, 1972. When my service began, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath wasn’t just a ceremony to me; on that day I bonded my life to the United States Constitution and the defense of liberty. Throughout my naval service, my country continued to call and I continued to answer, serving in four more conflicts: The Cold War, Haiti, Operation Desert Storm, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Although I nearly paid the ultimate price while training at the Naval Flight School, I was blessed and honored to serve my country for over thirty years, retiring with the rank of Captain. After retirement from the Navy, I thought I would be able to return to civilian life and focus on the other things I loved, including building coastal homes in Maine and enjoying time with my family, my dogs, and my chickens. I was wrong. In 2012, President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act. This law allows the President to direct the military to arrest, and indefinitely detain, citizens of the United States without charge or trial. I knew immediately that this action was unlawful. I did not spend thirty years protecting and serving this country so that the government could claim such a power that violates our most basic rights to due process and a jury trial. I also noted that a vast majority of our Congressmen and Senators voted in favor of this disgusting statute. Although my government was not calling me this time, I felt that my country was. As a person who has bonded his life to the defense of the Constitution, I knew I could not stand by and do nothing; I ran for Congress in 2012. I lost that bid, but people all over Maine also heard the call to defend our most basic liberties. I felt that as well as answering the call, I was making calls to serve. People were answering. Since 2012, I have witnessed violations of our most basic liberties at all levels, coming from government, and industry at the direction of government. Right here in Maine, the federal government is burdening Maine farmers with the Food Safety Modernization Act. If fully implemented, it would place burdensome food safety regulations on small Maine farms that have absolutely no history of making anyone sick. This act would also cost small farmers tens of thousands of dollars in compliance costs and would surely put many small farms out of business. It is time to get the government out of Maine farms and it’s time to allow the hard working farmers of Maine to exercise their God-given rights to buy, sell, and produce what they want without the interference of government. The FMA must be repealed. Also right here in Maine, The Department of Health and Human Services, citing United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) guidelines, forcibly removed a baby from his home and threatened to take him from his mother because she fed him a homemade formula containing goat’s milk. Yes, this happened here in Maine. It is an outrage. These agencies are alleged to be protecting and serving the public at our direction, but instead they are playing food police for big farming and placing an enormous hardship on Maine families. The USDA has zero constitutional authority to be dictating what we feed our children. America is calling; it needs someone to send the federal government a message, loud and clear, that we refuse to comply and we reserve our right to nourish our children the way we see fit. On the federal level, we also have the NSA spying on Americans without a warrant, Obamacare forcing you to purchase products from private companies, and President Obama trying to involve us in yet another undeclared war in the middle east-without the support of the American people-where our fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters could once again be torn from us and sent overseas. It is clear that our country, not our government, is calling. Will you help me answer? I cannot do it alone. In the race to represent Americans in Maine’s second congressional district, I have been the leading advocate for a non-interventionist foreign policy, Second Amendment rights, Veterans’ affairs, food sovereignty, free-market economics, a secure border and a limited constitutional government. On this Constitution Day, September 17th, would you consider making a donation to my campaign? You can make a donation by clicking here. Help me answer the call once again. For liberty, blaine-
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:04:22 +0000

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