Blame it on the earth, it just refuses to cooperate. Poor - TopicsExpress


Blame it on the earth, it just refuses to cooperate. Poor global cooling skeptics are stuck in a pattern of backfilling and desperate explanations as to why their bold predictions of earth’s overheated doom not only haven’t come true, but actually may be 100 percent wrong. Remember those dire predictions that the North Pole was going to be ice free by 2013? Santa was going to have to move and the cuddly Coca-Cola polar bears were doomed? Here is how David Rose in the Daily Mail explains what is actually happening at Santa’s house, “A chilly Arctic summer has left nearly a million more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same time last year — an increase of 60 per cent. The rebound from 2012’s record low comes six years after the BBC reported that global warming would leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013. Instead, days before the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores.” It seems that Santa didn’t need the EPA’s Lisa Jackson, Al Gore and global warmist hockey stick inventor Michael Mann to save him after all. The Voice of Russia reports that scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg explain that, “solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well.” First Putin takes President Obama’s lunch money on Syria, now this. I hate when the commie scientists appear to be willing to confront what appears to be the current climate situation than the western political agenda funded ones. Now even the self-important sounding International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is reportedly being forced to rewrite a portion of one of their reports to better explain why global warming has paused over the past seventeen years contrary to their predictions. Of course this same U.N. group was embarrassed when it gave credence to a fairy tale that Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035 in their last assessment report so who knows what whoppers will slip into the final version this time. One thing that is likely not to show up in the report without a lot of hemming and hawing is the above graph which was leaked earlier this year. The graph shows that the projections by the IPCC reports of global climate change have been crushed by the reality of what is actually happening. To interpret the graph, FAR stands for First Assessment Report which was produced in 1990. The SAR, or Second Assessment Report, was produced in 1995, the TAR, or Third Assessment Report, was produced in 2002 with the AR4, or Fourth Assessment Report, released in 2007. The final version of the leaked report AR5 is due to come out in 2014. The great news from these graphs leaked from an earlier version of the report is that they clearly show that the earth’s mean temperature has declined from the outlier year of 1998, and at worse has flattened out. Other reports indicate that 2012 looks to continue this trend line with lower overall temperatures. This is fantastic news for everyone but the global cooling skeptics and the politicians who abet them. The professional prognosticators of climate doom have bet their scientific prestige on what should have been a demonstrable increase in the earth’s temperature, which has clearly not manifested. The anti-western industrial advocates and their political puppets depend upon global warming to accomplish their goal of ending the use of readily available coal, natural gas and oil through a regulatory and legal scourging under the banner of saving the planet. Politico quotes ClimateProgress’s Joe Romm as clinging to the global warming story incredibly looking to the Arctic for his proof stating, “As for the seeming slowdown in global warming, that turns out to be only true if one looks narrowly at surface air temperatures, where only a small fraction of warming ends up.” Now for the fun part, he continues, “Arctic sea ice melt has accelerated. Disintegration of the great ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica has sped up. The rate of sea level rise has doubled from last century.” Besides ignoring the rapid, early ice growth at the North Pole, he also ignores that this year Antarctica’s (the South Pole) ice extent reached record high levels not the disintegration that he so glumly references. I am no climate scientist, but one thing I do know is that kids born the last time the climate showed any sign of a warming trend are now in high school, the predicted melted polar ice caps are instead thriving, and scientists around the world are now openly and actively worrying about global cooling. In the face of these facts, perhaps politicians like President Obama should hold off on continuing on their economy destroying reliable energy jihad. Unless of course your objective has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with fundamentally changing the United States’ economic status in the world, in which case you can just plow ahead clinging to discredited theories and hoping the public doesn’t figure it out in time.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:55:29 +0000

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