Blessed Day Beloved Friends Monday 07 April 2014 Heres Todays - TopicsExpress


Blessed Day Beloved Friends Monday 07 April 2014 Heres Todays Devotional from *The Special Seed* VICTORY OUT OF TRAGEDY It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. Psalms 119:71 In reading Psalm 119, you become aware that it runs the gamut of experiences and emotions. But one thing you can’t miss, if you read the Psalm in its entirety, is the fact that the inspired author was certainly no stranger to tragedy. Apparently his life had frequently been shaken and disrupted by adversity. As the late Clovis Chappell expressed it, “His face had often been wet with hot, blinding tears”--and perhaps the same thing is true of your life. Somebody has said, “Be kind to everyone you meet, for everyone is carrying a heavy load.” Probably you and I would be greatly surprised to know the nature and depth of the tragedies which those around us experience. Many bear heavy, uniquely personal burdens that would astonish us if we knew about them. If we allow it to, tragedy can defeat us. It can absolutely beat us down. It can drain us. It can cause us to become embittered or to be whiners. But thank the Lord, we don’t have to respond in any of those negative ways. It is possible, by the grace of God, to bring triumph out of tragedy. That is exactly what happened in the life of the inspired author of Psalm 119. He said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted....” He was saying, in effect, “I have been able to bring triumph out of tragedy.” Tragedy provides an opportunity to watch God bring good out of any situation-In some situations we may not understand at the time how any good can possibly come of it, but eventually God will help us to see it--if not in this life, then in eternity. So, whether you understand it or not, just hang in there; cling to Romans 8:28; keep on keeping on; and one of these days, here or hereafter, you will be able to look back and say as did the poet: God was better to me than all my hopes, better than all my fears; He made a bridge of my broken sighs, and a rainbow out of my tears. Tragedy provides an opportunity to learn valuable lessons from God-Every time tragedy comes to us, one thing we should always do is ask, “Oh, God, what can I learn from this that will help me to be stronger and more effective? “Someone has rightly said, “Sorrows are our best educators.” Another has said, “A man can sometimes see further through a tear than through a telescope.” C. S. Lewis said: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” All of us know people who, because they have responded positively to tragedy, have learned lessons which have made them a blessing and a benediction to those who associate with them. I am glad to say the “Special Seed” daily devotion you are reading now was a result of a tragedy in my life, in my tragedy I got pregnant with a dream to see a world walking in the Spirit, today I have so much joy in my heart in being a soldier of change for Christ, I use my tragedy and story to sustain millions of people in their Spiritual walk and continue to learn from my tragedies, its my prayer and humble request to God that as you read this devotion God will open your eyes to see stars in darkness, to dwell on the lessons of your life tragedies, ride on the faithfulness of God Jehovah (Habakuk 2:4) Tragedy provides an opportunity to draw closer to God-A small boy invited his even younger sister to go with him on a hike up a mountain path. As they made their way along she began to complain about the big rocks they had to go over. She said, “Brother, this isn’t much of a path; it has all these big bumps in it.” He said, “Little sister, you don’t understand; the bumps are what you climb on.” He said more than he knew. What he described is actually a parable of life. May times it is the “bumps,”the rough places in life--the hurts, the afflictions, the heartaches, the tragedies of various types--that serve as our best opportunities for pressing on to higher spiritual ground.So, it’s inevitable that each of us will confront tragedy from time to time. The big question is, how will we respond to it? Will we let it whip us down? Will we let it embitter us and make us wallow in self-pity and become whiners? Or will we, by the grace of God, turn our tragedies into triumphs? Action Step: First, be sure that you have repented of your sins and by faith have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Acts 16:31 says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved....” And secondly, once you are saved, be sure that each day you reassert and reaffirm your allegiance to him, asking him to guide you in your daily affairs. If you’ll do that, then you can claim our Lord’s promise in John 16:33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” OUR HUMBLE REQUEST: - Partner with us in loving the orphans and widows crying for your help and also distributing free bibles to ignite the spirit of lost souls and sustain them in their walk in the Spirit!!!! WRITE TO US TO OBTAIN A FREE BIBLE. All Special Seed products are not for sale!! Please support our movement of Soldiers for Christ, planting your seed in our SPECIAL SEED MOVEMENT helps us to continue producing materials and products that sustain millions of people in their walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). Brought to you by The Special Seed “Sustaining your walk in the Spirit” info@thespecialseed----Follow us on our Facebook page—The Special Seed https://facebook/TheSpecialSeed
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 05:57:59 +0000

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