Blog extract: Work… love… When I was having radiation it - TopicsExpress


Blog extract: Work… love… When I was having radiation it was crazy busy, (5 days a week for 6 weeks - the radiation team I had was wonderful; all of them so caring and friendly), work, radiation, home to my daughter (Cheyenne) or to my boyfriends (Darren), work radiation, home to my daughter or to my boyfriends… work, radiation, home, work radiation, home...It may seem repetitive but only the treatment was. If I went home I had the love and support of my incredible daughter (hard to see the worry in her eyes and it is still there – more about my beautiful daughter in another blog). The drive to Darren’s was something that excited me and made me very happy, I never ever cared or complained how long it took, I listened to music on the way, or made calls to family and friends (that’s another blog). I was always excited about seeing him (didn’t matter how exhausted I was from the radiation); he always greeted me with his beautiful and very special smile and gave me a long hug. A warm fire to sit in front of, wonderful conversations, more hugs and many many laughs. He held me tight all night – encased in his arms I felt loved and protected. I never ever wanted to leave (love this man more than words can say). I love my job, I work with amazing people and great children – I am a teacher… Everyone at my work has been and continues to be incredibly supportive (I am a very lucky person). My students have been wonderfully understanding. I was very honest with them as to what was happening with me; in many ways it made it easier for all of us to discuss… They knew that on Wednesdays I was not there (appointments at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre all day)… that sometimes I had to leave early and another teacher would come in for the last session… that the radiation made me a little tired and only did 15 desk push-ups not 25. One day I came into my classroom to find a very special chair, my beautiful friends/team, it was covered with sparkly pastel stripes, there was a beautiful cushion one of my friends mother had made, and a care hamper… it was the first time I cried in front of my friends at work and my students… not sad tears but grateful tears, tears of love… what they did and continued to do was amazing to say the very least – thanks girls. My students were so happy and excited, it was all a surprise and like me they love surprises. So the tears turned into laughter. A special morning that I will never forget for many reasons. “Miss Coad can I please ask you something” yes you can, “are you going to die?” “Of course she isn’t! She is going to be fine”. That’s a good question and I am happy to answer it. I am not going to die. I have awesome doctors that say that the will save my life…Ok then lets get on with our morning exercises; each morning it was our routine to exercise, sing, dance to the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams youtube/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM It is our favourite : ) We would all smile, sing and dance… It was important for me to be strong and positive – I had many others to consider. I felt and still do feel guilt about not being able to be there everyday for my team and my students. I can’t wait to get back to work and see everyone… looking forward to being back in the classroom with my students, laughing with them, singing and dancing with them…and be their teacher again. love…
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:46:46 +0000

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