Bob Beauprez own daughter played a rural farmer in-favor of - TopicsExpress


Bob Beauprez own daughter played a rural farmer in-favor of fracking in a long-running local TV commercial paid for by Noble Energy and Anadarko, and of course it was/is a sham commercial too, so guess who else is on their payroll too? Actually, the amount of money spent by the pro-fracking crowd was substantially higher than $375K as that figure doesnt include heaps of money poured into grossly misleading TV, internet, and newspaper ads by numerous outside political entities. Outfits like Energy in Depth, funded by Americans for Prosperity have been heavily involved in trying to force urban fracking here, as has the Koch-funded Heartland Institute, Study, CRED, outfits like FTI Consulting and their climate-change denier mouthpiece David Blackmon, who has written full-page highly omissive editorials in the Wall Street Journal and Forbes in-support of Colorado fracking, other secretive conservative think tanks loaded with dark money, nor does it include lots more money used to buy scientific criticism of recent climate change studies as well as studies critical of fracking, the list just goes on and on. My guess is that between the major parties involved in trying to force urban fracking down our throats out here that as much as 9 figures has already been spent just since the run-up to last falls election where the residents of four Colorado cities voted to ban or delay fracking, nor does it include the cost of lawsuits filed by the industry and several of its trade groups against the five Colorado cities that have voted to delay or ban urban fracking either. When we consider that the entire land area involved in the urban local control fight is only 1% of the total land remaining to be fracked in Colorado, on top of the 52,000 wells already fracked here since 1998, the way that I look at it the amount of money being thrown around trying to force this issue will raise the cost of any gas obtained well above the cost of solar or wind power, which just doesnt make any sense. Why not spend 9 figures less and be content with the 99% of Colorado still remaining to be fracked where rural opposition is much less expensive? It is like mainly Democrat urban metro-Denver and Boulder residents are being made a gory example of by dozens of major national oil & gas industry promotional firms and conservative think tanks in order to get even with the Democrats in the majority here and/or to discourage any other community brave-enough to try to stand-up to the industry.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 07:03:37 +0000

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