#BoldandBeautiful Excerpts from the Darin Brooks interview with - TopicsExpress


#BoldandBeautiful Excerpts from the Darin Brooks interview with Soaps: Soaps: Does Wyatt see any similarities between himself and Bill? Do you welcome those similarities? Brooks: I think he did at first, because it was new and fun and exciting, and the world was at his fingertips because he didn’t have to worry about money anymore. Wyatt does see some similarities, but I don’t think he will ever fully admit them until he understands more about Bill and his past. He probably won’t admit those similarities until further down the road when the two characters become closer, or not closer, as he discovers himself even more. Soaps: What kind of relationship does he see with Liam? He really seems to love to push his buttons. Brooks: Scott and I always talk about this whenever we have readings, because we really enjoy that these characters have become sort of two opposite people. Liam is the type of guy who does things by the book. He’s the nice guy. He does things that look good on paper and that’s what he’s about. He’s got his morals and his integrities and that’s great. And then Wyatt has his own strengths and morals and integrities and what he believes in. And he feels like he is not going to do something just to appease somebody. He’s going to do what he wants because he wants to get it. He’s always had to work hard for everything so he is going to go after it. Wyatt sees himself as the brother who could potentially teach Liam to be a little bit more like a Spencer. To be a little more out there and unapologetic and just go after what he wants, as opposed to just going, "Alright, it is what it is." And we kind of agree on that because Scott also wants his character to kind of have a little bit more strength and not be so much of a pushover. So when Wyatt does push his buttons, it’s more out of love in some aspects. He wants to teach his brother to be stronger so that he can have a worthy adversary. You can then have the fun challenge of trying to overcome another guy just to win the girl. It is fun for him, but it also brings the two brothers closer as he teaches Liam about life, and taking the bull by the horns, and how to be a stronger person. Ultimately Hope will appreciate him more, but also Wyatt wants to appreciate him. He wants to feel like he has a brother who can compete. Soaps: Wyatt seems so sure that Hope is into him. Why? Brooks: He’s that type of guy. He’s got a confidence and a bravado. He knows what he wants, and he knows he’s going to go after it. He believes that if you are good at something, why not show it and just put it all out there? Don’t pull any punches and don’t keep secrets. Wyatt just goes for it and is unapologetic about that. And that’s an admiring quality, and sort of an attractive quality. If one guy is like, "I guess I’m good at that," and the other guy is like, "I’m great at that, but you’ll just have to wait and see," who would be more attractive to you? Somebody who has that bravado and confidence. Soaps: What are some aspects of Wyatt’s character that we have yet to see? Brooks: There is so much more to come because we don’t really know a lot about Wyatt yet. We haven’t seen or heard anything about him, so who knows? Brad is really great at opening up the rest of the story later on. He throws this character in there and Wyatt starts telling you a little bit about himself and showing you a little bit about himself, but there is this whole past that we could explore. You might find out he has some skeletons in his closet. He is not proud of them, but he is trying to either hide them or get past them or forget about them. And you don’t know much about Quinn either. There’s a lot of story there too. I think we’re going to find out more about why Wyatt does what he does through some of the backstory that might come up, and the potential backstory that hopefully Brad and the writers will dabble with. And we’ll just go from there. Soaps: Does Wyatt want Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) to come back to town? Brooks: Wyatt is one-track minded. When he is in love with a woman, he is all for it. He will fight tooth and nail to get that until there’s nowhere else to go. There was a great episode last week with a great cat and mouse game between Scott and I. Wyatt is laying out to Liam how he would never do to Hope what Liam did. He says to him - and it’s the one point we really tried to hit home - when Wyatt said, "I do. When I hear those words I’ll back off." But until then, it’s game on brother until she finally commits to you. Because that’s a line I won’t cross. Wyatt has certain stipulations about how far he will go, and he will certainly die trying. Soaps: What does he think about Quinn getting close to Eric (John McCook)? Brooks: I think he enjoys seeing his mother happy and going after someone too. I think that is a similarity between Wyatt and Quinn. When they want something, they go after it. He’s happy that she’s happy, and he’s happy that he gets to see her get into something with a potential future. And he looks up to Eric as well from the brief couple of meetings that they’ve had. He thinks he’d be a great father figure, someone to bounce things off of. He respects Eric so I think he’s happy for his mom. Soaps: Anything you want the fans to know before we go? Brooks: It’s only the beginning. There is so much more that we can learn about this character, and so much from his past. There is so much more fun that you can expect to see him having with his relationships and how he deals with things. Just be prepared, because you never know when we’re going to throw you a curveball.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:45:33 +0000

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