Bombardment: textures. If you, like many, have been waiting so - TopicsExpress


Bombardment: textures. If you, like many, have been waiting so many years for Soviet/Russian master Aleksei German (My Friend Ivan Lapshin; Khrustalyov, My Car!) to finish what, upon the directors passing last year, has ended up being his final film (with finishing touches by his wife and co-writer Svetlana Karmalita and his son Aleksei German Jr.), you will have to embrace muck. You will have to swim in shit, slather yourself with grime, dirt, water, enrobe yourself in filthy fog, feel roughened leather, splintered wood, caked and hardened cloth, rusted and creaky iron armor; you will have to embrace the damp, dank, dirty opus of cinema that is Hard to Be a God. It is cinematic texture taken to an extreme. Based on a 1964 novel by the Strugatsky brothers (literary sources for Tarkovskys Stalker and Aleksandr Sokurovs Day of Eclipse, among other adaptations).
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:15:05 +0000

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