Bonjour, sunshine! My head is in the clouds again today, which - TopicsExpress


Bonjour, sunshine! My head is in the clouds again today, which is much better than the monkeys that were in my head around 3:00ish a.m. That monkey mind wakes me up + not just from lalaland but from life. Mindless chatter internally + externally can really wake you up by making you aware of what a tremendous waste of energy it is, energy that can be used for something meaningful, like focused online shopping for those black suede wedge booties. Or even better than that...yes, theres something that is I kid you not...waking up to wisdom gleaned through a good read. A solid platform for life trumps sassy platforms for lift. LOL But really. So as I laid in bed eyes wide open, mind grasped around something nagging at me that I thought I dealt with already, I decided to turn on the lamp + pick up an enlightening book + power up my own internal light instead of mind racing in + into the dark. Its my new reframer + I tell you it works! What do you do if stories snap you from sleep? Some folks get up + watch tv, surf the net (shoes!), raid the fridge. For the most part, we resort to energy draining activities that may lull us back to sleep but its not the same as consuming wise words. Besides, the troubling thoughts dont always disappear when you switch gears. They still tumble around agitating while youre zoning out with other lower energy stuff. By filling your noggin with positive nuggets you can either go back to sleep with high vibes sinking in or get up fully refreshed + ready to get your glow on. Even through I was up a couple of hours earlier, Im positively wide awake, fully refreshed as if I slept straight through the night. There was even a extra bounce in my step to the beach as I reflected on what I read from The Heart of Compassion by Dilgo Khyentse, a book about the 37 verses in the practice of Bodhisattva. I snapped a shot of its cover in case youre interested. A strong fire sun that had almost fully risen greeted me as I landed on the sand. It was surrounded by dark clouds with edges reflecting the suns shine. It was magnificent. The clouds mesmerizing, the birds above suspended in slo-mo. The whole scene was brisk yet surprisingly calm. Images appeared in the seemingly peeking over the dunes with curious eyes, another mouth open as if to devour the sun. No extras other than seaweed were to be found...all the action was in the sky this morn. My head stayed in the clouds on the walk home which proved to be a tad dangerous when my Croc stepped on a rock + caused me to tumble. Really. Yoga pants make good asphalt buffers. Ha! Just goes to show you that while its admirable to maintain meditative mindfulness on one subject...clouds in the sky! might have to multi-task + pay attention to where youre walking. Heaven AND earth contemplation. The good news besides this realization is that no blood was shed nor yoga pants knees shred in the learning this lesson. 😄 Speaking of staying on ones toes, today Im going to enjoy The Nutcracker ballet. To me, its a tradition that announces the arrival of the Christmas season. And its an op to wear a tutu. Afterwards Ill undoubtedly be inspired to decorate Chez Nieman. We went to Home Depot yesterday where I discovered purple lights to adorn a tree for my dad + Joe selected the perfect tree for us, along with some more house project doodads that I dont want to know about. During yesterdays football game commercial breaks I heard a drill whirring. I think Ill keep my heads in the clouds today, because he has more power tools charging on the countertop. At least I have the right book started to dive into if I need a reframe. And that tutu...power tulle instead of power tool for moi. Haha! Whatever youre up to today, oh sparkly one, may it be an amazing heaven + earth combo activating all your internal power tools...patience, joy, love, breath + whatever else you need to see you through...including a good book + perhaps a tutu. Lots of love + light wrapped up up up in a peaceful powerful hug, Denise-Marie xx
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 13:22:28 +0000

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