Book: Video samples with the authors of genocide New York 9 11 - TopicsExpress


Book: Video samples with the authors of genocide New York 9 11 2001. Church 666 Israel Italy pedophiles pineal gland devil. All governments from Europa know the key and authors by genocide from 9/11/2001 New York, and genocide from 04/06/2009 in Italy LAquila. These governments, in exchange to a lot of money, have killed online video children and babies. They lie all from infinite time and space, and all existing governments. Key: country ROMANIA city RomaN city Roma SromaN SeveN SisraelN ScristoN SmariaN street SanNio (St. N I), market TreNto (3Nto), 3816 816 707 700 777 181 26 13331 day. From 3/01 / 1975- at 5/07/2011 = are 13331 . From 05.07.2011 - at 01.03.2048 = are 13331 days. From 3/01/1975 at 03.01.2048 = are 26662 days. I have 73 years on 2048. Governments, churches, hospitals, courts, forces of order from America Europe Israel Islam, became genuine online video clandestine laboratories to manufacture terrorism, torture, mutilation, genocides, murders, gods, prophets. The book Truth video and authors at genocide in New York 9/11/2001 USA A plane (Air Commander) to hit in tower block from the train station in Milan (Duca dAosta market, block Pirellone, April 18, 2002, at 5:50 p.m., three dead and mutilated 60, pilot Luigi Fasulo, 68 anni, born in Pregassona). Gematria and numerology, indicate links to games pineal gland. Two planes destroy towers in New York September 11, 2001 (three thousand dead) ((Boeing 767 (S666N 13331 26 662 3816 816 700 707 777 1975 2048), American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, American Airlines Flight 77 Pentagon, United Airlines flight 93 white House)). I ran a red light at traffic lights, with mazda 626 red sport at the two towers of Roman 80 km on hour, came from the cemetery to Rahova. Blocks called two donkeys (biblie donkeys) architects at key in RomaNia RomaN Roma. None of the five, did not see red lights than immediately after I switched. Someone shouted they ran a red light. It was late at night. Only I knew the road in Germany. They wanted to go with them. Not I went. Marian Burca, Tomita, Cheese, Capala, and Rumble like. I was around 20 years. 1995. ------- Real authors of all wars robberies genocides insulations are criminals and tormentors pineal gland 666. Owners of all natural resources, social profit, newspapers, television, nuclear bombs. Who saves us? Vatican, NATO, FBI, CIA, Interpol, courts, embassies, newspapers, governments, etc., do not respond to email, letter, fax. They manufactured authors. Key : country RomaNia city RomaN city Roma SromaN 7 SeveN ScristoN SmariaN SisraelN street SanNio market TreNto 3Nto city Milano country Italia S666N 3816 816 707 700 777 3.01.1975 13331 5.07.2011 3.01.2048 26662 73. Cartea: Adevarul video si autorii la genocidul din New York 9/11/2001 USA The book Truth video and authors at genocide in New York 9/11/2001 USA Terrorism, lying, deception, misinformation, censorship, and genocides, organized online video. Truth video and key to genocide New York 9/11 / 2001 America, 6 April 2009 LAquila Italy, and crimes of RomaNia RomaN Roma, TreNto SanNio. View my page. The authors are theologians pineal gland 666, owners at printing houses by money. Games, traps, genocides, terrorism, crimes, robberies and scams, produced by the mafia pineal gland, government, police, court, church, military, and bankers. White House, Vatican, NATO, the court and the government of Italy America Romania Israel etc, FBI, CIA, ministries of defense, were informed by me with fax, email and registered letters, by these video samples. Their ignorance, results that, they have made, and did not need to make them to know from me. Intelligence at all, from the infinite time space, will isolated and sequestered all, in a capsule deadly invisible intelligent, for body and soul. The capsule made of: censorship, secrecy, lies, expired, humiliation, deception, misinformation, poses pineal gland. I creator existence, time, space, and body invisible alive infinite, through video code by telekinesis of 5 July 2011 I have released on all. Welcome to my house infinite time and infinite space. All from infinite space time, involved in cloning my , creator unique of existence space and time. Family, populations, generations, tortured, mutilated, lied, cheated, mugged of natural resources and social profit, placed in war between them, isolated between them, by mafia Maria cristo Allah creators of heaven and earth, mafia pineal gland 666 Israel, pedophiles, with all their accomplices (church, government, school, media, politics, court, army, police, Italy, Israel, Islam). When will be executed terrorists and their accomplices, to purify infinite time space, by : isolations, terrorism, conflict, war, secret censorship, misinformation, silly, crimes pineal gland, humility, kneeling, prayer, ritual murder? Romania torture chair, was built by the devil 666 and pedophiles pineal gland from Israel and Egypt, and installed by their dog Italy with war, two thousand years ago, and today cared by pedophiles pineal 666 IMF NATO Europe Vatican cristo Maria Allah. The richness and the ultimate goal, at plans from three thousand years ago: we killed all languages and cultures remained only language Latin, ritual by cannibalism murder, robbery eternal by resources and profit, prayer, humility. Known and programmed investments: 4 billion murders and 10 billion mutilated and cheated from 10,000 years. Beneficiaries: pedophiles pineal gland. Judge: creator at time and space.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 09:52:16 +0000

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