Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 35: ON MARK - TopicsExpress


Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 35: ON MARK 13:35 (Preached on Sunday August 08, 2004 morning in Locodjro, Abidjan - Ivory Coast) 1 Mark 13:35 says: ... Watch therefore, for ye do not know when the master of the house comes: evening, or midnight, or cock-crow, or morning . This goes in the same sense as Ezekiel 1:19-21... 2 And though the perfection is not man’s business and that he is not ready, he wants to hear that the rapture is for such year ... There was a multitude of false dates but he wants more. And unfortunately, he wants it from everywhere and from everyone. Yet throughout the Bible, it is only the Spirit of Daniel that has the notion of times. Check that from Genesis to Revelation. No prophet except Daniel. And it is Daniel who made use of expressions of time first. a time and times and a half time and Dan.7:12 says:... a season and a time not some time as Louis Segond says. Similarly: 2300 evenings [and] mornings not 2300 days and nights, but evenings and mornings as we see in Esther. 70 weeks, 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days ... thus, in Daniel 7:12, it is question of: for a season and a time and not until some time. 3 And God permitting, I will devote a sermon to that, and to the characters in the book of Daniel! ... I do say: God permitting because He alone knows if it will not be subject to different interpretations from false brothers. 4 Have you seen the imprint of all the Spirits of God throughout the book of Revelation? Thats it! But today I want to indicate the rapture in a general sense. According to the Bible, is it in the evening, at midnight, at the cock-crow or in the morning? That was possible in the evening for him who watched the lightning since the first morning with Paul or at midday. Yet now the evening time has past and the morning which Mark 13:35 talks about is the time of the redemption of the 144,000 Jews with Moses and Elijah according to Rev.11 ... 5 First, Matthew 25:6 says that there was a Message then the virgins arise ... Then they trim their torches ...Then in the long run, the foolish grow heavy while the wise are still hot, and then they say to the wise virgins: Lay your hands on us so that we may be given to walk on water, to disappear and also perform these miracles which you bear witness of... then ... then ... then when the rapture occurred, it was at the cock-crow and the persecution of the foolish took place between the cock-crow and the morning. But if someone was standing in the evening time he would see the rapture at midnight. 6 Well, Revelation 12:14 says that the midnight Cry is given to the elect of such country ... such country ... such country to take them into the dimension and the Spirit of the Cry. And when it reached the last country it is by the time of the cock-crow. 7 Notice for example that Rev.10 stretches over decades. For example in verse 1, the strong Angel is standing on the sea and on the earth, but in verse 8, the expression the angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth is a title like Him who sits upon the throne. 8 I remember that the interpretation of the unknown language was neither in the little opened book nor in the seven thunders, but it is the Lamb that had it. 9 Well, let’s come back to Mark 13:35, there are four possible times: evening, midnight, cock-crow or morning. Yet the rapture did not come in the evening time that ended in 1993. And the glorious Message of William Branham is at the mercy of maggots and all kinds of batrachians seeing only what William Branham did. They split, form clans, blocks,... isms, look at their conventions! 10 If you notice, there is, on the one side, denominations whose communion goes up to take the Holy Communion, but in falsehood: a catholic, methodist or assembly of gods of America can take the Holy Communion in any assembly of his church in Europe or Asia or Africa ... and on this side, we have vigils during which the faithful come from all the assemblies of the Message and we have the Holy Communion together. [The congregation says, Amen!]. But between the denominations and us, there are branhamists, this hybrid and hypocritical race who, like bat cannot do that but who meet in conventions. Neither bird, nor animal. Neither white, nor black. And God represented them by a mixed race woman in the vision of April 24, 1993. [The congregation says, Amen!]. Stay away from them! It is through councils that Rome got early Christians and it is through conventions and seminars that her daughters want to get us ... 11 So the persecution and the time of the nations ends around minutes to six o’clock, around the morning. Yet through the parable of the lightning, we know that the Yellow are in Asia, some white people too - Jews and white people again in Europe. Then the Red, Indians in America, the Blacks in Africa at midnight. But!!! ... Between midnight and the morning who is there? Between black Africa and Israel who do we find? And does their skin not vary from black to white? God will not forget a people or a race on earth. 12 We know that during colonisation, some white men went massively to settle in South Africa. Do you understand why William Branham went to South Africa? There is a large community of white people in South Africa. When God deals with Jews, nations and Samaritans must keep quiet. Let’s read Matth.10:5-6 first... Why did God allow racial segregation in America and apartheid in South Africa in the evening time? Blacks had to keep out of things because their time had not come yet. Jesus told his disciples, do not go to the Samaritans and the people of the nations! Amen! Have you noticed that from July 2002, when I have begun to preach, the country was cut between a Muslim north and Christian south! And they never talked of the repatriation of the undocumented [Ed: undocumented migrants] in Europe as these last ten years. Something is happening here in the secret. 13 Well, according to Matthew 24:27 and Mark 13:35 and also Rev.11, we can begin to be precise. It’s from there that the history of salvation and black people started up and everything is returning towards there. Had it not been for this race of Jews born in deportation and who, therefore, have never been visited, the history of salvation would end there, at the end of the cock-crow time. 14 With the Hebrews, the day begins at six oclock and ends at the cock-crow. The 24th hour corresponds to our five o’clock in the morning. Yet, which colour is the weather at the cock-crow? [Ed: some brothers say: grey, ash, whitish black, ...] Amen! What is the skin colour between black Africa and Jews? [Ed: some brothers say: Mixed race! Pallid black! ] Yes! In reality, it is a variation from black to white. I see you understand. [Amen!!!] Well, lets move onto something else. 15 What happens at the cock-crow? Women get up, not men. This is the awakening. But according to the Bible, which women get up at cock-crow? The foolish virgins. For a Message? No, but they arise from their slumber to ask for oil, the Spirit. The wise did not grow heavy since midnight. Prov.31: 15 says that the woman of worth gets up while it is still night. Amen! Yet, from two o’clock in the morning, the first cocks begin to crow ... and Frederik de Klerc, a white man and Nelson Mandela have shook hands before the international community in 1993 when both of them were at the same time the Peace Nobel prize, that was the end of apartheid and of a time. All that was spiritual. 16 Well, I do not mean that God will use the sisters to go out to preach! The woman, it is the Church. And I do not also mean that God will use the Blacks more than white people. Amen! 17 Muslims can understand the midnight Cry, better than a baptist, even a branhamist because if Jesus is God then he cannot have any picture. Have you ever seen even a representation of Muhammad, a mere prophet? How will you explain Deut.4: 15? You see? Muslims will see that the Lord Jesus we are talking about here is not him that churches preach. When they see that there is no female singer or evangelist, ... And by the power of the Holy Spirit, within one single hour, they will convert in large numbers. The highest spiritual manifestations will start up from there. So will it be! 18 Until death, feel, every day, the Spirit, feel Him! Enter into the Spirit! See fervently to it! You know that in relation with the sermons, we are no longer at midnight sharp but we are going towards the cock-crow where it is the portion of the Spirit that makes difference. 19 Now, notice this! At cock-crow, what happens? Women sweep the house then light the fire. Yet, sweeping the house, it is the purification from all defilements and spirits, and for the first time since the apostles, the public confession has come back in the Church ... God will save so much at the cock-crow that the notion of number will enter the scene. Hence the tribe of Judah 12000, the tribe of Asher 12000, the tribe of Levi 12000, ... There will be the cock-crow, you understand why in Ezekiel 10, the cherubim stood still and looked toward the east, Israel! You see? 20 Yet before the east, there is the cock-crow and remember that young Fulani who, at his death, prayed and the Holy Spirit descended upon the crowd of Muslims who were around him and at that moment all the crowd spoke in tongues and prophesied and a mosque became a church. How can God save us and forget Ishmael, Abrahams son? 21 [Yet, of all the religious faiths, we see in front of mosques: lame, paralytics, blind and all sorts of infirmities. What are they seeking there? What is this mystery? It is the Almighty God who has placed them there to wait for the cock-crow. Remember Acts 3! When a paralytic at the door of the temple walked, the number of those who believed went from three thousand to five thousand men.] I tell you that the wind of miracles at the cock-crow cannot be compared to all that has been done so far and it is the midnight Cry that reveals and introduces it. You see? 22 Fulani, Egyptians, Mauritanians, Northern Africans, Ethiopians, Malagasies but not Martinicans, Haitians, black Americans ... And the last persecution will begin within that time when God arouses a great prophet with miracles and that in his time the Koran is burnt publicly as we have done it for false versions of the Bible. In that time, there will be voices of contention but the true one will distinguish himself from the false one. And the spiritual stability will no longer be here because God would have moved. 23 Also, Oceania is smaller than Canada and its population does not reach half of that of Nigeria and I believe that God has an action there that continues as anywhere in the world. You see? Well, I repeat that the day of the rapture is the day of the end of the third watch. 24 I would like to get at another point before the questions-answers. This is one of the points I wanted to put aside to your understanding. We must understand that the Blacks outside Africa and those deported during the slave trade shall receive their share of this Message because in the eyes of God they are black Africans. 25 I implore those who have no notion of the spiritual not to talk of compensation for Africa because of slave trade. Let them seek the financing of the NEPAD somewhere else! Be it Jews who do not eat with Samaritans, be it anti-Semitism, be it apartheid, racial segregation, know that it is God Himself who allows and controls all things for our good. That’s why in Rev.5 for all these things, every creature which is in the heaven and upon the earth and in the waters fall on their face to glorify Him. 26 Also, Christian Ethiopia separated from Muslim Eritrea and granted it the independence in April 1993. Its symbolical! I will preach on Acts 8:26 to 40. Let’s sing now, yes the song leader… CHORUS: How could I not praise Thee, For everything You did for me You’ve always been my help Whenever the enemy fights against me? I was with no consolation You’ve sent me Your Holy Spirit. I was struck by disease, You sympathized, You’ve healed me. I was away from Your word, You sent me the midnight Cry. I was away from Your word You’ve sent me your holy prophet. When people speak evil of me, I’ve found in You my sole friend When people speak evil of me, I’ve found in You my sole support
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:14:54 +0000

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