Boom!!! Karamba Touray has struck again: Captain (Ebou) Camar , - TopicsExpress


Boom!!! Karamba Touray has struck again: Captain (Ebou) Camar , I dont know which is worse your contrived outrage at those who are displeased with your investment decision to partner with an unabashed public relations hack for an evil tyrant whose excesses both you and your sister are more than familiar with or your attempt to separate Yahya Jammeh and his atrocious conduct from the vermin who exacerbate our pain by providing succor to a killer. Objecting to Thion Seck, Jaliba Kuyateh and their ilk is not the same as drawing a moral equivalence between them and the despicable tyrant himself. Our legitimate complaint is that they have heartlessly decided to subjugate the misery of the Gambian people to their personal desires for money. It is not relevant who entered into partnership with our tormentors, and I include Thione in this category. Gambians with conscience are justified in directing their wrath towards them. I dont know you or your sister but this is one transaction I wish you didnt touch with a ten foot pole. My position would be exactly the same if (it were) my good friends Musa Jeng and Banka Manneh, defacto Alkalos of Atlanta who I have lunch with whenever I visit. You underestimate the extent of the rawness of our national wound when you dismiss our grave concerns about Thione as noisy rants of people with misguided grievances. We are a seriously aggrieved people who want to wage total war on the tyrant and all his support systems. If you must proceed with your Thione, you cant be stopped, but I think you and your sister need to stop the spirited defense or the tortured logic of combining contract obligations with he is just a griot, timing, and whatever. None of it is good enough. It will take an incredible suspension of disbelieve for anyone to buy the notion that you and your sister can genuinely partner with your compatriots to fight a tyrant while you simultaneously broker deals to promote and mutually benefit his promoters and praise singers. -Karamba Touray
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:13:14 +0000

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