Bored out of her mind, Alison stared at her ceiling, making out - TopicsExpress


Bored out of her mind, Alison stared at her ceiling, making out little pictures out of the randomly placed spots on the ceiling. She looked down to her peachy feet, moving her short brown hair out of the way of her eyes. She got off the bed and yawned rising her hands. Dropping them to the sides of her light blue night gown, she looked at her window, the sun just coming up, glare covering up the window. It was another Sunday morning in the Botch household. And one Alison would never forget. The young girl walked out of her room and across the grey hallway to her parents room. Looking left, towards the one bathroom they had, then right to the stairs that headed to the white kitchen and bland living room below, Alison put her hand on the strongly sliver door knob and opened it, just a peek. The room was as dark as the hallway, which told her they were still asleep. Alison was the only one awake in her house. Just then, Alison got a great idea. That game she was half finished, Sonic R. Alison rushed downstairs, almost tripping over the bump in the step that was in the middle. She ran over to the living room, drifting on her foot to the right turn there. She landed elbows first on the greenish grey-couch. Panting slowly, she looked up, didn’t even notice the lights were left on in the living room. Alison got of the couch and walked over to the television turning it on with a press of the on button. She then went to her Sega Saturn, popping in the Sonic R disc quickly and turning it on. Grabbing the controller, she jumped back on the couch and watched the opening credits to the game. Alison checked her watch that she wore like a friendship bracelet, it was a beautiful lavender and how Alison loved to wear it. She felt like it was something to be proud of whenever she looked at how much the watch left marks in her arm. The time seemed to be still 4:13 AM. She had plenty of time to finish her game. Since she only had one more race to finish. *** Putting her controller down on her lap, Alison looked at her watch again, 5:32 AM. She still had time to do things. Alison thought for a few seconds then smashed her fist on her palm in idea. She could try out some of the cheats for this game. Turning off the Sega Saturn, Alison walked upstairs, tip-toeing into her room and turning on the computer she had. It booted up quickly and she went off into Firefox and googled for cheats for Sonic R. She came across some easter eggs instead. Alison clicked one of the links that brought her the most interest; The Tails Doll Curse. Reading the passage about the easter egg and how to do it quickly, Alison closed the browser and turned her computer on sleep mode. Alison crept downstairs, anxious to try this so called curse out. She turned the Sega Saturn back on and grabbed her controller, sitting on the old couch again. The opening passed again, seeming slower than usual. Alison selected just what it said to select, Tag mode with her playing as the Tails Doll and computers, the Metals and Super Sonic. She was rather good at the game, getting each Metal and then Super Sonic, though Super Sonic was harder to catch up to then the other two. Alison looked at her watch again, Exactly 6:00 AM. Alison dropped her controller on the cushion besides her. She stared at the game, it seemed to stare back; a doll similar to Tails, but it seemed really scary, but maybe a little cute. Alison studied the picture, words saying “You win!” at the bottom, bright white. Red and black checker tiles is what the particular doll was standing on. Suddenly the lights went out, and a song played almost unheard; “Can you feel the sunshine? Does it brighten up your day? Don’t you feel that sometimes you just need to run away?” Alison panicked, she wanted to get up but her body seemed frozen. The picture of the doll seemed to grow, it seemed to press against the television, eager to get out. ”Isn’t this just an easter egg? It must be an illusion! Yeah that’s it, an illusion!” Alison thought, her head sweaty. But it wasn’t. Suddenly the game shut off, and Alison soon could feel her body again. She got up and ran, making a steep left turn and then climbing up the stairs faster than she has ever had before. She pulled the door open to her parents’ room. ”Mom dad!” Alison called out to the room, “It was horrible, it was like a ni-“Alison fell to her knees, to the grey hallway floor. Even know the room was too dark to see in, the smell of fresh blood told her. Alison felt her face starting to get wetter and wetter, even her nightgown got wet by the salty water streaming out of her eyes. ”Why?” She asked. Abruptly the lights to her parents’ room flickered on, it was a mess, the room was COVERED with body parts and blood, intestines all over the bed. Alison opened her eyes and flickered them. Rubbing them, she looked around, and covered her mouth, Alison could feel her own dinner leak onto her hands. She noticed the words on the wall, written in blood, “Can you feel it?” the message asked. Alison got up to her now weak legs, and started to run to her room, wiping the mess she made on her hands on the walls. Quickly she woke her computer up, thankfully it worked. She started to type a message on Face Book. ”omg help me guys there is this thing that just killed my parents!!! i think its after me! i need help should i leave the house?? i am not jking! She got a message back quickly, “Oh poor, poor Alison. You too will soon realize how great it is to feel it.” ”who r u?? what r u talking about?” She typed. ”I am who you last played as on Sonic R. I’m talking about the sunshine…” Alison got up screaming, she ran out of her bedroom door and down the stairs, tripping over that bump on the stairs, scrambling up. Alison unlocked the front door and put her hand on the knob. It didn’t budge. Alison let go from the door after trying to get it to move 12 times. She then walked over to the living room and picked up her Sega Saturn, ripping it off the wires. Alison threw it at the door with all her strength. It landed with a crash and on the ground, busted. Alison could feel the adrenaline in her body, even though it had already reached its maximum. She felt as her heart would burst out of her chest. Looking around, Alison heard something. She looked behind herself, to see a red light shining right in front of her eyes. Alison back up, hitting the door. The doll looked similar to the doll on her television screen, but it seemed to be almost as tall as her and it was dripping with blood. “HeRrLoOo, AlIsOn.” Alison looked around, and then ran around the monster, heading up the stairs, tripping again, but not enough to fall over. She ran to the end of the hall and into the bathroom. Shutting the door harshly, Alison flicked the light on, locked the door, then sat down hyperventilating. The bathroom was covered in nose crinkling fumes, mixes of too much perfume. Alison did not care how cramped and dirty the place was, she only cared that she was safe for the time being. A horrible voice met her ears, “YoUu CaN’t HiDe NoR rUnNn, AlIsOn.” Alison stayed quiet as possible, then got up slowly grabbing a wash cloth to go to the sink and wash her face. The cool water felt nice upon her face, she reluctantly looked at the mirror, her face looked normal except for the fact it was dripping with water. Alison sighed and dried her face off. She then dropped her wash cloth. A single red light stood behind the shower curtains. Alison ran to the door, opened it and ran to her room, and sat in an old chair and looked on Face Book again. She saw that some other messages came up. ”Alison, do you have a Sonic plushy? You can scare it away with that.” ”don’t panic!! he loves it when people panic!!” Alison didn’t have a Sonic plushy. She tried to act calm instead. Maybe she could survive this. Suddenly the whole entire room went red. Alison’s body stiffened up and she couldn’t move. She tried to talk but nothing came out. This must be Tails Doll’s doing. ”Well well well, you’d think you’d survive? Why escape now? It’s impossible anyway. I’ve learned so much about you. I guess I’ll have to tell your ‘friends’ you’re leaving, FoReVeR.” The voice sounded exactly like hers, but at the same time, it was bloodcurdling. Who was this? Did Tails Doll steal her voice? Alison heard typing on a keyboard. “There we go,” The voice that sounded like hers, “It reads; it’s too late for me, good bye everyone.” No! Alison thought, I can’t be dying! No! ”Sorry…Aal-Lee-Sun.” Alison felt a scorching pain everywhere, she felt her body being torn apart, she wanted to scream. Then….suddenly Alison felt nothing, she only felt everything fading away, her memories passing her. THE END!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:34:34 +0000

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