Born 20 January THE DAY OF THE FREEWHEELER 💞 Happy Birthday - TopicsExpress


Born 20 January THE DAY OF THE FREEWHEELER 💞 Happy Birthday to my twin sis and anyone else who is born on this Magickal day🌹 👯 Those born on January 20 are intensely alive individuals who are very comfortable following their impulses wherever they lead. The capacity to make snap decisions and act on them is highly characteristic of people born on this day. Improvisatory rather than painstaking, they take life as it comes-no matter how chaotic or upsetting it is, they feel they can handle it. Humour figures prominently in the makeup of these vibrant people. The most dire circumstances are often alleviated, lightened by their ready wit. But such a fine sense of irony also serves to protect a profound inner sensitivity. Though they are fond of jokes and will even play the fool themselves if it suits them, they are very proud individuals who take themselves very seriously indeed. These people have a deeply human quality, and despite the fact that they can display a nasty temper and are sharply outspoken in their views, they are quickly forgiven by others, for there is no malice in their outbursts. Because of their love of fun they may be taken for superficial, except by those who really know them. Actually January 20 people often lead a highly private, even secret life, and share their hopes and dreams with but a few inmates. These people are by nature bighearted, and therefore share without a second thought. They are highly resilient physically, emotionally and mentally, and capable of surviving many catastrophes in their lives. Somehow they always seem to pull through, buoyed by an incurable optimism. Although they are generally on the side of the underdog and have strong protective sympathies, January 20 people can themselves be very dictatorial. They are not particularly adept at forcing others (including their children) to obey the rules they set down, and perhaps because their own freewheeling style implies a kind of disregard for such restriction, others dont take their authoritarianism seriously. Emotional, expressive and caring, these larger-than-life people may have glaring faults and make many mistakes of judgement, but do so with a singular absence of malice. Their insistence on a positive attitude towards life, and their courage and stick-to-it-ivenses are an example to others. Planets Those born on the 20th of the month are ruled by The Moon. The Moon influences are highly likely to be impressionable and have their thoughts ruled by their feelings. As they are born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp, these people make exciting friends who love to have fun. The influence of Saturn (Capricorns ruler) and Uranus (Aquariuss ruler) lends a liable emotionality but also a serious, complex set of feelings as well. Tarot The 20th card of the Major Arcana shows The Judgement or Awakening in which people are agreed to leave material considerations behind and seek a higher spirituality. It is a card which suggests we move beyond our ego and allows us to glimpse the infinite. Strengths Expressive, Resilient, Big-Hearted Weaknesses Chaotic, Unrealistic, Upsetting Advice Look before you leap. Allow others to express themselves without your reacting prematurely. Be more patient. Try not to demand so much attention. :-) Meditation The words I cant are best used sparingly.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:07:21 +0000

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