Borrowed from Kirsten Botsford: I have been persuaded, and - TopicsExpress


Borrowed from Kirsten Botsford: I have been persuaded, and remain convinced, that neither death, nor the complications that often arise in life, nor powerful angelic beings, nor even an entire group of high-ranking demonic spirits, nor anything that currently exists, nor anything that could potentially happen in the future, nor any political power, nor anything in the highest heavens, nor anything that resides in the deepest depths, nor anything that has ever been created is capable of disconnecting us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.* Never forget this message that Paul proclaimed. Nothing in this world has the power to disconnect you from the love of God. No angel, no demon, no government, no creature -- no mistake of your own making -- will ever be capable of cutting you off from the love of God. Gods love is greater than any man can comprehend. It reaches to the highest mountain, and penetrates to the lowest parts of the earth. Regardless of what you are facing in your life today, Gods love is with you -- and nothing will ever be able to disconnect you from this awesome, powerful, all-consuming love! (*Romans 8:38, 39 as taken from Rick Renners Sparkling Gems: From the Greek Devotional)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:38:02 +0000

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