Boycott the GMA and Traitor Brands! The Grocery Manufacturers - TopicsExpress


Boycott the GMA and Traitor Brands! The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)—Monsanto’s Evil Twin—is pulling out all the stops to keep you in the dark about what’s in your food. The GMA plans to sue in federal court to overturn Vermont’s new GMO labeling law, H.112. And it’s pushing a bill in Congress that would not only overturn every state’s right to enact a GMO labeling law, but also legalize the practice of labeling GMO foods “natural.” Take the pledge today to boycott the 300-plus members of the GMA, including the Traitor Brands! Your message will be sent to the 12 Traitor Brand companies listed Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, Kellogg’s, General Mills, Coca-Cola. These are just a few of the 300-plus members of the GMA. Combined, they own more than 6,000 brand name products, including foods, beverages, seeds, home and garden supplies, pet food, herbicides and pesticides. You probably don’t buy most of those products. But you may not be aware that many of your favorite organic and natural brands, like Honest Tea, Muir Glen, Odwalla, Kashi, Earthgrains, Santa Cruz and others, are owned by corporations that do belong to the GMA. Those corporations spent about $68 million just to defeat GMO ballot initiatives in California (Prop 37) and Washington State (I-522). And they continue to fight against your right to know by supporting the GMA’s latest efforts to overturn states’ rights to pass GMO labeling laws. Who are the Traitor Brands? Here are the worst culprits, their parent companies, and the amount they spent just to defeat Prop 37 and I-522: PepsiCo ($4.8M) - IZZE, Naked Juice, Simply Frito-Lay, Starbucks Frappucino Coca-Cola ($3.2M) - Honest Tea, Odwalla, Keurig/Green Mountain Coffee (10%) Nestle ($3M) - Gerber Organic, Sweet Leaf tea Kraft/Mondelez ($2.4M) - Boca Burgers, Green and Blacks General Mills ($2.1M) - Cascadian Farm, Larabar, Muir Glen ConAgra Foods ($2M) - Alexia, Pam organic cooking sprays Kelloggs ($1.1M) - Bear Naked, Gardenburger, Kashi, Morningstar Farms Campbells ($980k) - Plum Organics, Wolfgang Puck organic soups Smuckers ($900k) - R.W. Knudsen, Santa Cruz organic, Smuckers Organic Hersheys ($880k) - Dagoba Bimbo Bakeries ($560k) - Earthgrains bread McCormick ($400k) - Simply Asia, Thai Kitchen These companies are gobbling up organic and “natural” brands because they recognize the huge profit potential in the fast-growing organic and natural markets. They want our business. If we stop buying their brands, they know there’s a good chance we’ll find alternative brands. And we might never look back. Our motto for Monsanto and GMA products must become: Don’t buy them. Don’t sell them. Don’t grow them. And don’t let your financial institution, university, church, labor union or pension fund invest in them. It’s time for consumers in every state to band together to defeat the GMA’s full-on assault, not only on Vermont, not only on consumers’ right to know what’s in our food, but on states’ rights and on our basic freedoms to protect our health and our communities. Take the pledge today! Additional Information More about the boycott Download Link Here: salsa3.salsalabs/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8959 GMA members Download your wallet-sized boycott guide Download the boycott poster GMA boycott website More on the GMA’s bill to kill states’ rights to label GMOs More on the GMA’s plans to sue Vermont Download the Buycott App! First, download the Buycott app for your smartphone, then join OCAs new campaign, Buy Organic Brands that Support Your Right to Know so you can scan products and find out if they are owned by a Traitor Brand or member company of the GMA. - See more at: salsa3.salsalabs/o/50865/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8959#sthash.GothinZ8.dpuf Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) According to the GMA website (above), GMA represents the Makers of the Worlds Favorite Food, Beverage and Consumer Products, serving as the voice of more than 300 businesses in the consumer packaged goods industry and closely related fields. Yet, some of the largest corporations in the GMA are not what consumers would define as food and beverage suppliers. Rather, they are companies with deep interests in genetically modified products used to create foods and beverages for consumption by humans and animals. Note: These are just the 15 GMA brands that are most popular among consumers. To view a shortlist of well-known companies that are members of the GMA, click here. Organic & Natural Traitor Brand Boycott Boycott the organic and natural brands whose parent companies, all members of the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), donated millions to defeat the Prop 37 (CA) and I-522 (WA) state ballot initiatives to label GMOs.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:53:48 +0000

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