Bradley Manning betrayed his fellow soldiers by releasing - TopicsExpress


Bradley Manning betrayed his fellow soldiers by releasing after-action reports which could reveal useful information to any enemy who bothered to read them. He did this while working in relative safety in contrast to the men and women facing direct fire in the field. He did not release information only about acts which some people may consider "war crimes." (And until charges are brought by some competent authority, there are no actual "war crimes" alleged. Just the opinion of people who have never been sent into combat, with few exceptions.) Even assuming the instances which some are calling "war crimes" were all actual "war crimes," the unrelated material Manning disclosed was not relevant, was not "whistle-blowing," and put fellow soldiers at unnecessary risk whether anyone can definitively link a leaked document with a death or severe injury or not. Bradley Manning was a soldier under oath. He did not exhaust his options for reporting whatever may have concerned him without possibly endangering his fellow soldiers. He deserves more than a 35-year maximum sentence with credit for time served. He is getting off lightly given his crime. Now, if anyone wants to pursue any of the "war crimes" alleged, take it up with the government. If proven, other people can pay for their crimes. In the meantime, Mr. Manning will pay for his.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 21:20:42 +0000

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