Breaks my heart to see and think about how CRUEL people can be to - TopicsExpress


Breaks my heart to see and think about how CRUEL people can be to our beautiful ANIMAL FRIENDS...NO LIVING BEING deserves to be tortured, beaten, or treated less than humane and loving https://charity-pay/mfa/emma.asp You can call me Pete. That’s not my real name, but I have to keep my real name a secret for my own safety. I am an undercover investigator for Mercy For Animals. I bear witness to horrific cruelty in order to bring it to light. I’ve worked several cases for Mercy For Animals, exposing some of the most shocking abuse and violence you can imagine. During each investigation, I meet animals who haunt my memory. At Pontotoc Stockyard in Mississippi, it was Emma. Emma was a white calf who arrived at the auction so sick that she couldn’t even stand up. Workers dragged her into a holding pen and left her there without food or water for the entire day. Emma seemed so sweet and gentle — and so frightened. You could see the terror in her eyes. I couldn’t stand that she was just abandoned there without any care or comfort. At the end of the day, a man bought Emma at a discounted price and workers used a forklift to carry her weak and broken body to the man’s truck. They dropped her from the forklift four times while moving her to the truck, each time injuring her even worse. It still hurts me to think about Emma. She was never treated with an ounce of kindness during her short time on this earth. But because of my investigation, Emma’s abusers have now been charged with criminal cruelty to animals
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 21:14:19 +0000

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