Brenda with MS, Diabetes and high blood pressure shares: First - TopicsExpress


Brenda with MS, Diabetes and high blood pressure shares: First of all I want to say Thank you to Tina Ferrell. She sent me a message on face book one day asking if I was diabetic because I had been sharing all of these diabetic recipes. Well little did I know that she was going to change my life with Plexus. I started taking Plexus on September 6, 2013. I thought to myself that either this stuff is working or I am willing it to work. I don’t feel hungry and I feel like I have energy! No, this can’t be working on me after just one day, Well the fair started on Saturday and Jeff and I went and then again on Sunday along with Megan. I was told I was walking too fast! Now, with having knees that don’t like to work well all of the time, I don’t walk fast! I thought him and Megan were nuts! I let it go. But this last year was the first fair in many that I wasn’t worn out from going to the fair for several hours. I still had energy when I got home! Sunday evenings are my night that I do my MS injection. For those of you that haven’t seen my needle, it is a big one. It has to go into the muscle in order for it to work, using the thigh. Well for almost 3 years now after I sleep for a couple of hours after my injection, I get up and feel terrible. Sick to stomach, ache in every place that your body can ache. So Monday has always been my do nothing day. So I thought I am going to see how good this Plexus stuff is, I am not taking any pain reliever and see if I wake up. I slept all night long! Woke up feeling rested and great! Ok, thinking to myself that I am willing this stuff to work, I just want it to be a miracle cure. Well I have now done 6 Sunday injections and I haven’t had to take any pain relievers, over the counter or prescribed! I am amazed at how good I feel! Little did I know that I was trying Plexus because of being diabetic because it was made to help lower blood sugars. My blood sugars are coming down and I am praying that I will get off of the insulin soon! But is also helping with my blood pressure. But I am just doing things that I haven’t done in years, like cross your leg up under the other one sitting in the recliner, going down steps the regular way. I sleep all night long, yes I get up to go to the bathroom but I now go right back to sleep, When I get up in the morning, I am rested and full of energy! Its great! Plexus is by no means a cure, but it is all natural and it heals your from the inside out. I am telling people that I have just too much going on inside my body that Plexus is having a hayday in there fixing it all! Another added bonus is that I am loosing weight and inches. Just by mixing a pink powder into my water and drinking it! It can’t get any easier than that! I would be the first one to be skeptical and I was. In addition to having some allergies to medications. I was leary but I am just amazed at how I feel and to me this stuff is worth its weight in GOLD! Plexus not only is helping with my blood sugars and MS, but blood pressure and the general aches and pains. I am truly Blessed to have found such an amazing product that actually works and I feel wonderful. If you would like to hear more, I would love to talk to you about this product! November 6, 2013 at 8:41pm Her update as of January 11: No more insulin!!! #plexus #health #diabetes #ms
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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