Brett McGurk ( State Depts Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq ) - TopicsExpress


Brett McGurk ( State Depts Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iraq ) lies as well. In the hearing, he lied, for example, when he spoke of Iraqs Minister of Defense. The man he named? Not the Minister of Defense. Nouri is. Nouri did a power grab. Back in July 2012, Mohammed Tawfeeq (CNN) observed, Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has struggled to forge a lasting power-sharing agreement and has yet to fill key Cabinet positions, including the ministers of defense, interior and national security, while his backers have also shown signs of wobbling support. Those posts have remained vacant. They were supposed to be filled at the end of 2010. But filling them meant Nouri couldnt control them so he defied/broke the Constitution and claimed the positions as his own. Brett lied so often. Lets go to money.[...] US House Rep Brad Sherman: I want to focus on finances. How much money did we give Iraq this year? [...] Brett McGurk: Uh, no. I believe that the most recent request is now of under a billion. Its gone from 1.5 billion last year to, uh, FY13 [Fiscal Year 2013] to about 880 million.[...] Brett McGurk: Well we have vital interests at stake in Iraq. Whether you measure it from al Qaeda in Iraq, whether you measure it from the oil production, whether you measure it from just the overall stability of the region.[...] So that we all get what was just said, the US State Dept, from the mouth of Brett McGurk, just declared Iraqi oil is a vital interest of the United States government and part of the US governments longer term interests. In other words, we have confirmation that Iraqi oil -- vital interest -- was one reason the US went to war on Iraq. Second, Bretts playing with the numbers. He could have -- as a State Dept friend told me -- have used about $600 million as well. The State Dept is requesting $1.18 billion. Thats not including USAIDs request. The RAND Corporation, just last week, noted the request in Ending the US War In Iraq. Kerry presented the request to Congress last April. Theyve not amended the request. Brett was being a liar. No surprise there. Bretts lies were never ending. We could spend two more snapshots just documenting the lies from the hearing.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:54:34 +0000

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