Bring Mr Peepers Home I havent posted on here since finding out - TopicsExpress


Bring Mr Peepers Home I havent posted on here since finding out that someone actually stole MR PEEPERS off our porch. Due to the description of the culprit, female in a white van, I have to wonder if this is the same people that go around stealing pets from peoples yards all over NW Missouri. If so, as LE said....its a crime hard pressed to convict on due to no witnesses, no duck, ect, however that does not stop me from expressing my thoughts and still being angry at the persons who did this. First of all let me tell you something about this duck, affectionately named Mr Peepers or One eyed Jack. Last spring a friend and I came upon this little guy and brought him home. He was alone, had a wounded eye that was infected, stumbled when he tried walking. He was just a few hours hatched. The little duck soon became my little companion, snuggling in a blanket on my lap, or under my hair on my shoulder, as reflectd in the pics. As I would fb he would peck on the keys as well. He showed no fear of our dogs, whom actually took care of it as if it were a puppy.....imagine if you will, a hound, an English shepherd, a Pit, and a husky all loving on this little guy, mothering him, again reflected via pics. I cared for him, tended to his eye, which BTW he is blind in, which I am sure you could care less about! Peepers is a hand fed duck, who does not like corn or grains, he prefers small bites style cat food, or dog food, and grasshoppers, and crickets! He wont eat if these things are not offered so you have doomed him to death by starvation as it is winter. He loves to go on walks with the dogs and I, actually followed my fiance one day she he went to the post office. He chases squirrels up the trees with the dogs, quacking along with them barking. He kept the dogs in line if they are too rowdy by pecking their butts or tails. Each evening he would come up on the front porch and knock on it with his beak, I would open the door and he would come inside and sit in my lap a while, or I would go outside and hold him. Do you do that? I doubt it! He loved swimming in the tub, or just playing in the shower you let him do this? He had 2 outdoor pools that he played and swam in, one had his favorite ball in it and he would spend hours playing with that ball. I have to admit, I tried giving you the benefit of doubt , thinking maybe you took him because its winter and there is snow and ice on the ground. Maybe you thought he needed to be in a chicken or duck coop, if so I can understand that, but to just take him without even speaking to me about it is wrong! Besides, if you had knocked on my door to express your concerns, if you had them in the first place, I would have shown you his pen on the back porch, filled with hay, covered shelter, his own heated water pan, and would have explained to you as the game officer told me.....ducks do great in this weather. They store fats, and build extra plumage to protect them from the cold. They actually dont feel the extreme cold like you and I because of their down. Think of it like this....what are your coats and sleeping bags made of? Goose or duck down...thats the feathers closest to their body. You can pick up water fowl and feel the heat radiate from their underneath. Domestic ducks are better at this than wild ones, which is why some wild breeds fly south. Peepers is a domestic breed duck as explained in my prior post on his breed. Yeah yeah, he was just a duck, but he was my duck! He came into my life and helped give me purpose. I love tending to animals, it takes my mind off of myself and possible problems or stresses I may have. He made me smile when I didnt feel like smiling, gave me snuggles when I felt alone, and was a great gardening partner...he would eat all the crickets I uncovered. He also became an icon of sorts I town....people would look to see him and the dogs playing in the yard, the grain truckers identified our house by the dogs and the duck! You took that away! You stole that joy in many peoples day! Shame on you for thinking you have the right to tresspass on others property, and to steal their beloved pets! What is your gain? Do you sell these animals? Use them as bait? Breeders? Or as losing opponents in illegal fighting rings? Do you know the sadness you put on the pet owners, their children? The questions of what happened to their pet runs through their hearts and minds each and every day. These animals are part of a family. If you were I front of me, I would tell you that you are a person who has no heart. The Grinch had a better heart in his soul on his worst days than you do! And then I would kick you in the shin so hard you wouldnt be able to walk for a month! I have no idea if THE DUCK THIEF will ever see this, but my plan is to post this everywhere so that others will see it. Please if anyones friend, neighbor, family came home with a black duck
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:27:19 +0000

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