Britain does NOT take more asylum seekers, refugees or immigrants - TopicsExpress


Britain does NOT take more asylum seekers, refugees or immigrants than other countries. In the EU, as at 2013, Austria has most at a whopping 15% (that is such a great majority, isn’t it? they’re taking over!), then Switzerland and Spain at 14% of its population being immigrants, including a lot of British people (but that’s ok, isn’t it, as it’s the other way around, and British ex-pats in Spain are usually so calm, reserved, and great representatives of our proud nation. You never see them getting rat-arsed and leery, smashing up the villas and puking in the swimmingpools, do you?). Germany has 12% and the UK has about the same. The countries that take the most asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants are those next to war torn countries, usually countries that our country is destroying in its lust for resources. - Countries next to war torn countries should not be made to shoulder the burden, as they’re usually as messed up and poor as the countries that Western and Eastern powers are struggling over there. So… what exactly did foreigners ever do for us? Well, they did happen to invent the following: - Paper and printing originated in China (Papyrus scrolls originated in Egypt over 5000 years ago, but China perfected the process about 2000 years ago in 105 AD into the form of paper that we know today) - The magnetic compass also came from China - As did gunpowder - Silk too (although we should probably really thank silkworms for that) - Trigonometry came from ancient Egypt - The ancient Egyptians also invented scissors - The numerical system currently adopted across the globe emerged among the Hindus of India, though Europeans refered to this system via Arabic numerals as it was the Arabs who were the intermediaries through which these numbers reached medieval Europe - Religion (for all its faults) came from the Middle East - Greek philosophy came through translations from Arabic, which were then retranslated into Latin and the vernacular languages of the West Europeans - The English language is strongly based on Latin roots, mixed with French, Italian, Yiddish, Indian, Arabic and Germanic Saxon origins - The game of chess came out of India - The current British Royal Family has recent German and Greek roots - The founder of Burtons, one of the most popular fashion shops in Britain, Sir Montague Burton, originally came from Lithuania - Michael Marks, initial creator of Marks and Spencer, was a Polish Jewish immigrant - Batteries were invented by Italians - As were pizzas - Most electronics come from China - The television tube was invented by a Pole, Josef Horovitz, so without Polish people, we wouldn’t be able to watch our beloved tellys - The time-honoured British tradition of drinking tea came from China, which was a medicinal drink there - Coffee comes from Africa and Brazil, and was first roasted and brewed for drinking in Arabia - Chocolate has been grown for at least 3000 years in Mexico and South America - Potatoes come from South America too, pinched by Sir Francis Drake - Beer comes from Mesopotamia (now known as Iraq) - Firm teatime favourite curry comes from India - Kebabs come from Turkey - Fish and chips, one of our national dishes favoured by staunch patriots across the nation, were originally created by Italian Jewish immigrants, no less, who lived in Scotland and favoured the inexpensive ingredients that they fried into a tasty treat! Eat that, racists! (We hope that you choke on the bones.) As one commentator clearly and succinctly states, “The historic sharing of cultural advances, until they became the common inheritance of the human race, implied much more than cultural diversity. It implied that some cultural features were not only different from others but better than others. The very fact that people- all people, whether Europeans, Africans, Asians, or others- have repeatedly chosen to abandon some feature of their own culture in order to replace it with something from another culture implies that the replacement served their purposes more effectively: Arabic numerals are not simply different from Roman numerals, they are better than Roman numerals. This is shown by their replacing Roman numerals in many countries whose own cultures derived from Rome, as well as in other countries whose respective numbering systems were likewise superseded by so-called Arabic numerals.”
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 06:31:28 +0000

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