Broncos Monday Ramblings (BMR) Game 10 Rams 22 Broncos 7 - TopicsExpress


Broncos Monday Ramblings (BMR) Game 10 Rams 22 Broncos 7 (???) Okay, so much for my so-called expert status! Well, at least I can take solace in the fact that virtually all of the pundits were just as wrong as I was. I probably lost a whole lot of BMR followers .... oh well. I have to confess that when I got up Sunday morning I had a feeling that the Rams were going to win- but hey, Id put my prediction out there on Friday, so it was to late to change. But, enough about the tragedy of a bad prediction. Lets talk about the game: Okay, first of all, the Broncos were slammed in EVERY phase of the game and deserved to lose- probably by a greater margin than 22-7. I was particularly shocked by how badly the offensive line was used by St. Louis young pass rushers and by the fact that the Broncos coaching staff was totally outcoached. Most of todays column will be devoted to analyzing the Broncos shortcomings, but later on Im going to address the two nearly criminal hits on Sanders and Caldwell specifically. I dont want those to be construed as sour grapes in any way, but I do think that they need to be mentioned. Okay, first of all, lets look at the big issue that Ive heard virtually nonstop since the game concluded and that is the coaching, specifically John Fox. Foxy certainly has his detractors and the criticism is truly legit considering that two out of the last three weeks the Broncos seem to have been outcoached to an alarming degree. You really cant take these two games, and then add the Seattle losses (this year and the Super Bowl), as well as the Baltimore playoff game two years ago and not be severely critical of John Fox as the Broncos coach. The criticism is legitimate, and warranted. With that said, I would mention that, if you are going to take shots at Fox (and, as Ive mentioned, they are legit), you must also take into account the enormous success the Broncos have accomplished since he took the reins. I dont see that corresponding attitude. To wit: this season, the Broncos own victories over the Colts, the 49ers, the Chiefs, and they are the only ones to defeat Arizona this year. Also, remember that everyone was drooling over San Diego when they showed up in SAF@MH earlier this season. With all due respect, every one of those games was pretty one-sided for Denver. But, no love for Foxy. These are some of the very best reputed teams in the NFL. When Denver wins, the attitude is that they could have won with no coach. But, to hear some people talk, the BIGGEST reason they EVER lose is John Fox. Im sorry folks, it just doesnt work that way! Has John Fox made some questionable calls this season? Absolutely, and his clock management in the first half yesterday is Case No. 1 for the prosecution. There have been several times when Fox has appeared to be way too conservative going back to having Manning take a knee at the end of regulation two years ago in the Baltimore playoff game. Hes been criticized for not going for it on fourth down. He did yesterday-TWICE! Look how that worked out. I suppose that that was his fault too. You know, it DOES come down to players executing and much as wed hate to admit it, ultimately players determine what happens in the game, not coaches. It seems to me that, somehow, his 43-20 record at Denver and his three consecutive AFC West titles get tossed aside because hes had some tough losses. Hey, that is the nature of the beast. Just let me say this: It REALLY is a whole lot more difficult than it looks, and right or wrong, good, bad or indifferent, ultimately, ALL coaches, John Fox included will sink or swim only if he can win the big one. If he cant get it done, it will be over. So, lets talk about the nuts and bolts of football. Just where are OBs (Our Broncos) right now. Well, IMO, the WORST CASE scenario is that the offensive line is in total disarray, old age is catching up to Peyton and hes lost 20 mph on his fastball, the kickers have mysteriously lost their ability, and the players have stopped listening to Foxy. (That is the whole glass is empty viewpoint.) I suspect that while elements of each of those things are true, that it isnt as bad as it seems. There ARE problems on the offensive line, but I think that re-shuffling the lineup is difficult and it could take as much as a month to get the O Line rounded into shape. (Relax, we are already HALF a month into the transition). Hey, remember that Baltimore did the very same thing near the end of the season two years ago and ended up winning the Lombardi Trophy. I dont know if Peyton is losing velocity physically, but hes still one of the most accurate passers around. I do think that the interceptions hes suffered recently are the direct result of feeling hurried in the pocket and are also a reflection of the turmoil on the O Line. For whatever reason, Britton Colquitt is not hitting the ball as well as he can. Obviously, the Broncos dont have any confidence that Nick McManus can kick anything more than a chip shot field goal. To me, this is a real issue because it can color a game. Yesterday, Peyton seemed to be starting drives deep in his own end all day long. That fact, coupled with the fact that the Broncos were one dimensional and couldnt run the ball made for a very long, miserable day. Has Fox lost his team? Uh, I seriously doubt it. Unquestionably, the Broncos are going through a rough patch, but they still are in first place in their division and they are still four games over .500 in one of the toughest divisions in football. I will state right now that I think that they will beat Miami next week and be ready for a tough game in KC. It will be interesting. Now, for the hits on Sanders and Caldwell: I dont think that I have seen two more dangerous and vicious hits in one game. . . ever. Both shots could have resulted in paralysis of both receiver and defender. Both of those hits were executed against defenseless receivers. They came from players whose coach is on record as urging his defenders to kill Frank Gores head. And finally, in neither case was the defensive back going for the ball. In both hits, the DBs were trying to break up the pass by administering a hit so painful that the receiver would drop the ball, i.e. to injure the receiver. BOTH of those hits (IMO) were textbook cases of Unnecessary Roughness and BOTH should have been ejection penalties. (Even with those, I dont think Denver would have won the game.) McDonalds hit on Bubba Caldwell reminded me of nothing less than the horrific hit that Jack Tatum put on Darryl Stingley which paralyzed him and eventually killed him. There is no place for that in football, especially in this age of people questioning football for safety issues. What should the DBs do instead? Well, how about covering the guy more effectively so that you dont have to take such a dangerous shot? After that, if you find yourself in that position as a DB, concede the catch and make a legal tackle- one that doesnt put the receiver in jeopardy of spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Keep in mind that this rant is from a guy who played his entire college career as a defensive back and coached DBs for 30 yrs in HS. Last thought. All football seasons for all football teams are a series of ebbs and flows. Additionally, there are transition periods in between. I think that the Broncos are going through an ebb and I think that they will flow again this season. If that flow comes in January and early February- terrific! But remember, Ive been wrong before. I mean, I picked the Broncos over the rams last week. :-) P.S.For everyone down on the Broncs and Fox right now: I do the very best I can. I have always done so and will continue to do so until the end. If, in the end I am right, nothing else matters. If, in the end I am wrong, ten angles on my shoulders swearing that I was right will no make it so. Abraham Lincoln I have every confidence that everyone down at Broncos Parkway is trying to right the ship. And, if they dont get it done, theyll lose their job. Thats the way it works and they all knew that before they started this gig.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 16:13:53 +0000

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