Brotherhood, ISIS among 83 on UAE terror list (Wam) / 16 - TopicsExpress


Brotherhood, ISIS among 83 on UAE terror list (Wam) / 16 November 2014 Several brigades fighting on both sides in Syria along with militant groups in Libya, Tunisia, Mali, Pakistan, Nigeria’s Boko Haram as well as Afghanistan’s Taleban account for the bulk of the list. The UAE Cabinet on Saturday issued a list of 83 terrorist organisations and groups approved by the Cabinet. The list is in implementation of Federal Law No. 7 for 2014 on combating terrorist crimes, issued by the President, His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the Cabinet’s own resolution on the designation of terrorist organisations that provided for the publication of the lists in the media for the purposes of transparency and to raise awareness in society about these organisations. It blacklists Al Qaeda and the ISIS, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood and Yemen’s Houthi militia. Following is the list of organisations designated as terrorist that has been approved by the Cabinet: The UAE Muslim Brotherhood, Al Islah (or Da’wat Al Islah), Fatah Al Islam (Lebanon), Associazione Musulmani Italiani (Association of Italian Muslims), Khalaya Al Jihad Al Emirati (Emirati Jihadist Cells), Osbat Al Ansar (the League of the Followers) in Lebanon, The Finnish Islamic Association (Suomen Islam-seurakunta), Alkarama organization, Al Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM or Tanzim Al Qa‘idah fi Bilad Al Maghrib Al Islami), The Muslim Association of Sweden (Sveriges muslimska forbund, SMF), Hizb Al Ummah (The Ommah Party or Nation’s Party) in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula, Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL, Partisans of Islamic Law), The Islamic Council Norway (Islamsk Rad Norge, IRN), Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia in Tunisia (AST, Partisans of Sharia) in Tunisia, Islamic Relief UK, Dae’sh (ISIS), Harakat Al Shabaab Al Mujahideen (HSM) in Somalia ( Mujahideen Youth Movement), The Cordoba Foundation (TCF) in Britian, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Boko Haraam ( Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’Awati Wal-Jihad) in Nigeria, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) of the Global Muslim Brotherhood, Jama’at Ansar Al Shari’a (Partisans of Sharia) in Yemen, Al Mourabitoun (The Sentinels) group in Mali, Tehrik-i-Taleban Pakistan (Taleban Movement of Pakistan), The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organisation and groups, Ansar Al Dine (Defenders of the faith) movement in Mali, Abu Dhar Al Ghifari Battalion in Syria, Jama’a Islamia in Egypt (AKA Al Gama’at Al Islamiyya, The Islamic Group, IG), The Haqqani Network in Pakistan, Al Tawheed Brigade (Brigade of Unity, or Monotheism) in Syria, Ansar Bait Al Maqdis (ABM, Supporters of the Holy House or Jerusalem) and now rebraneded as Wilayat Sinai (Province or state in the Sinai), Lashkar-e-Taiba (Soldiers, or Army of the Pure, or of the Righteous), Al Tawhid Al Eman battalion (Battaltion of Unity, or Monotheism, and Faith) in Syria, Ajnad Misr (Soldiers of Egypt) group, The East Turkistan Islamic Movement in Pakistan (ETIM), AKA the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), Turkistan Islamic Movement (TIM), Katibat Al Khadra in Syria (the Green Battaltion), Majlis Shura Al Mujahedeen Fi Aknaf Bayt Al Maqdis (the Mujahedeen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, or MSC), Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad), Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Brigade in Syria, The Houthi Movement in Yemen, Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad) in Pakistan and India, Talha Ibn ‘Ubaid-Allah Compnay in Syria, Hezbollah Al Hijaz in Saudi Arabia, Al Mujahideen Al Honoud in Kashmor/ India (The Indian Mujahideen, IM), Al Sarim Al Battar Brigade in Syria, Hezbollah in the Gulf Cooperation Council, Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus (Caucasus Emirate or Kavkaz and Chechen jidadists), The Abdullah bin Mubarak Brigade in Syria, Al Qaeda in Iran, The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Qawafil Al shuhada (Caravans of martyrs), The Badr Organisation in Iraq, Abu Sayyaf Organisation in the Philippines, Abu Omar Brigade in Syria, Asa’ib Ahl Al Haq in Iraq (The Leagues of the Righteous), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Ahrar Shoummar Brigade in Syria (Brigade of the Free Men of the Shoummar Tribe), Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq, CANVAS organisation in Belgrade, Serbia, The Sarya Al Jabal Brigade in Syria, Liwa Abu Al Fadl Al Abbas (Brigade of Abu Al Fadl Al Abbas) in Syria, The Muslim American Society (MAS), Al Shahba’ Brigade in Syria, Liwa Al Youm Al Maw’oud in Iraq (Brigade of Judgement Day), International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Al Ka’kaa’ Bigade in Syria, Liwa Ammar bin Yasser (Ammar bin Yasser Brigade), Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, Sufyan Al Thawri Brigade, Ansar Al Islam Group in Iraq (Partisans of Islam), Union of Islamic Organisations of France (L’Union des Organisations Islamiques de France, UOIF), Ebad Ar Rahman Brigade (Brigade of Soldiers of Allah) in Syria, Jabhat Al Nusra (Al Nusra Front) in Syria, Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), Omar Ibn Al Khattab Battalion in Syria, Harakat Ahrar Ash Sham Al Islami (Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant), Islamic Society of Germany (Islamische Gemeinschaft Deutschland), Al Shayma’ Battaltion in Syria, Jaysh Al Islam in Palestine (The Army of Islam in Palestine), The Islamic Society in Denmark (Det Islamiske Trossamfund, DIT), Katibat Al Haqq (Brigade of the Righteous), The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, The League of Muslims in Belgium (La Ligue des Musulmans de Belgique, LMB)
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:32:00 +0000

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