Brothers n I want 2 boldly inform u,without - TopicsExpress


Brothers n I want 2 boldly inform u,without fear of contradiction dat I have full confidence in the management of Rongo University college n dat I‘m 100% proud of being @ Rongo University College... I know some of u myt b wondering y I confess so soon,putting in mind dat I hav famously been known 4 mocking the Management n even making the loudest noise,both at Rakwaro n main campus recently.... U rememba the infamous Rakwaro demonstration of last semister?? I wont speak of dat{but my decision is not based on the fact dat I was warned of 1000 academic days of suspension.....No.. no...noooo} Itz becoz of wat I hav seen n experienced... Yesterday I paid a courtesy call to various senior offixials at Kitere.. 1. I went to th Admissions office to demand the fate of our expired School IDs n was told dat preparations r underway 2 renew thm once the 1st years report...I wasnt happy wid the decision bt I was tempted 2 hold my horse coz I was broadly convinced dat all the departments wich seek the identification of the students will accept th expired IDs.. 2.I went 2 the Dean of Students office 2 remind her that we are back in school,becoz I suspected dat she wasnt aware of dat..n I‘m sure she was amused by the manner in wich I sparked the truth.I hit the nail on the head.…I also informed her sam of the most distressing problems of Rakwaro centre,e.g.lack of electricity ....4 the past 3weeks sinx we reported we are livimg in darkness...she promised 2 solve d issue by today... she also convinceingly promised 2 solve d other issues on tym. 3.She also promised dat LAN wilb available in Rakwaro,Kitere n Town Campuses b4 end of Sem 2 enable students with Wap n Wi-Fi enabled phones 2 browse on the internet free of charge..datz an improvent.…infact with a working LAN, I wont need their computers. 4.I met Prof. Hezborn Kodero..the Dean of Education..datz the dean with wosdom n the sweet language all students would love 2 listen 2.. I went 2 c him regarding my results bt was somehow annoyed dat the results were not yet ready...He begged for sometime 2 allow thm 2 clear the work n allow 4 scrutiny of the same b4 they r officially released... Brothers n Sisters I can proudly tell you that we are moving somewhere and that Rongo University College is bigger than any Individual … Lets give our "young procurement" University a chance to grow...but where we need them to work quick and fast on the "procurement syndrome" I will fully support the use of "the language which the University administration understands fast"……Together as one forever.... Remember, "Umoja ni Nguvu"……
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 04:44:26 +0000

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