Bruce the Bald Daily Devotional Faith Not Sight 2 - TopicsExpress


Bruce the Bald Daily Devotional Faith Not Sight 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Travis Freeman is set to inspire thousands in the upcoming film 23 Blast as his story of faith, love and personal courage hits this fall. Today, Freeman is a college professor and a pastor, but at the tender age of 12, he tragically lost his eyesight to bacterial meningitis. Instead of slipping into depression and losing his spot on his high school football team, Freeman relied heavily on his faith as well as the support of his family, friends, and coaches. Discussing 23 Blast as well as his autobiography Lights Out, Freeman explained he has no memory of the first days following his blindness, but can recall his unshakeable faith. My parents have always said that when I heard I wouldnt see again, that I looked at them and said, I believe I will see again, but if I dont, I cant wait to see what God is going to do with this, Freeman shared while speaking to The Christian Post. Furthermore, the adjunct instructor of religion at University of the Cumberlands put his faith entirely in God. Freeman relied on his beliefs to get him through the initial challenges of living a life in darkness, and continues to do so today. The role of faith was everything, I could not have made it through all that without faith in God and Christ- believing in the Gospel, believing God is good, He has a plan, and is in control, he told CP. Today, I have never been depressed or doubted my blindness and faith through this. It was something I accepted. Adding to his amazing story, Freeman actually returned to the football field shortly after losing his vision as a 12-year-old, and was able to play for his entire career at Corbin High School in Kentucky. Freemans inspiring personal strength as well as his ardent faith earned the attention of filmmaker Toni Huber who actually lived in Corbin and saw Freeman on the football field. It was Huber who approached Freeman about making a film 23 Blast, leaving him humbled and grateful. The film is another way of telling my story and encouraging people, he said. From the pulpit to the classroom, just encouraging people that disabilities and issues can be overcome. Freeman went on to share the powerful message behind 23 Blast that sculpted his life and has the capacity to change the lives of many others. We all have disabilities, we all have issues we struggle and deal with. I want people to know disability does not equal inability, he said. We can overcome by looking outside of our current circumstances, looking to the Gospel and to the cross and hope of new creation. We cant allow our circumstances to define what we think about God, but we can allow God to define what we think about circumstances. Thats the message of my story, my life, are those realities. ************************************************************************************************************* As so often happens in my life, I stumble across something totally unexpected. Last night, I was checking the times for a movie I wanted to see, Maze Runner, and as I looked, I happened to notice 23 Blast. Seeing the football player on the poster attached, I decided to look further. What I discovered was a story that puts meat on the bones of the verse above. Literally!!! This doesnt say a lot about the center position in football, but, through the vision of a coach and friends who wouldnt give up or allow Travis to, Travis examined the positions to see if there was one that could be played without sight. This is a little crazy, but being a blind center is almost an advantage. Because you cant see what the opponents are doing, you wouldnt be drawn offside. You would snap the ball on the right count, and block whoever came across your territory. Take a moment to consider what kind of courage it would take to go out on a football field, a violent game, and play without being able to see. Not only did Travis play, but he flourished. God took a terrible tragedy and turned it into a blessing. Take that a step further and apply it to scripture. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. With man it is impossible. With God, all things are possible. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. I would be truly surprised to find out that there were any of you who werent going through struggles of some kind right now. As you examine your circumstances, putting your resources on one side and your problems on the other, there appears no reason to hope. You see no possible way that things could change. Youve made mistakes, life has been tough, and you are at the end of a very short and fragile rope. Take a moment to consider Travis story. All Things ARE possible. Dont limit God. Believe, even when you cant see. Then, go see the movie (-B
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:03:14 +0000

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