Building Workplace Safety with Rewards and Recognition Its all - TopicsExpress


Building Workplace Safety with Rewards and Recognition Its all too easy to launch an exciting, new workplace safety program with colorful posters, theme buttons, and a pizza lunch, but without a simple, ongoing safety incentive program, your overall company safety results may fall short of your goals. Recognition and reward for a job well done fulfills a basic human need for acknowledgement and affirmation. When we are recognized for our contributions, we naturally engage at a higher level and contribute more. Successful safety managers incorporate the concept of recognition and reward into their safety programs to drive positive safety behavior and ultimately impact financial results. While safety recognition programs can be highly effective at changing or reinforcing employee safety behavior, there are a number of critical safety program components that must be in place first. Key Safety Program Components 1. Safe work environment: It seems obvious but employee working areas must be safe from all potential hazards (both naturally occurring and man-made). 2. Safe work equipment: Again, this seems obvious, but it can be overlooked. 3. Invest in your safety department: Equip your safety team with adequate resources from experienced, knowledgeable safety professionals. 4. Hire safe people: Consistent attention should be paid in the hiring process to seek and hire individuals who exhibit high levels of responsible behavior. 5. Effective training: Comprehensive and continuous employee safety training is critical for best results. Training is not a one-time seminar. It should be ever-present and ongoing.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:10:16 +0000

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