Building muscle takes time. Its not a I want to get toned for - TopicsExpress


Building muscle takes time. Its not a I want to get toned for beach 2010 project where you can expect fitness model results in three months. When you see those before and after pictures in magazines, you got to remember the models did not start their fat loss challenge without any experience in the weight training department. The before pictures make them look like anybody who has never trained in their life because they got no definition due to excess body fat. So, then, three months later of double cardio, weight training and calorie restriction, they look shredded and the message came through: you can accomplish all that in three months even if you have no muscle on your frame as of now. Well, no. Aint gonna happen unless you DID train years ago and can rely on a fantastic muscle memory OR you go the drug route. Quite often I receive emails from women and teens who want to know what I did to look the way I did back in 2003.... They found the pics of me at 21 after three years of training and want to know what routine I did, how much cardio etc. In my opinion I developed a good foundation fast. After three years it started to look decent! Its natural to believe I trained with so so intensity, with so so dedication in order to get that so so result, BUT oh no, I trained like an animal. I busted my butt 5 to 6 days a week for those three years and all I got was the body of someone who could pass for fitness model with a toned body. It took me six years before I had a pro quality physique. And after that it took me another two years or so before I felt like now I am there. Nowadays, I feel like my body is improving more and more, but I also get emails from people who liked me bigger. Its funny about this bigger because I am not small. If I were to go back to amateur bodybuilding I would be right on the 115 spot at the weigh-in. on my 52 frame it can not be considered small. I dont know if I just got old or its a reflection of the American society with the gotta do this fast! attitude, because I find it weird that 19 year olds present physiques mature looking like a body at 30 without any athletic background. Do not compare yourself to those..... Something is usually not told about those rapid body makeovers... And you most likely dont want to know or see the long term results of that impatience pattern. Leaning out while retaining muscle is a long process. the slower you can do it the better. But slower also means you wont see results as fast. Staying lean constantly takes a tremendous amount of dedication. When you want an extreme state to be your daily average you will have struggle with keeping it up motivation wise more than one time! Of course your mind is going to have imbalances, chemical ones: BECAUSE BEING IN AN EXTREME STATE IS NOT BALANCED per se! You must accept and realize its not you going crazy, its YOU choosing something that your mind finds crazy and you need to discipline and condition it to see it as a normal state. Being shredded all the time, ready for a shoot or to show your abs any day of the year will take calorie restriction. There is no way around it. For most people its not worth it, but for those who can learn to love this lifestyle from the bottom of your soul, its a fantastic experience to feel like you are the king of the world day in and day out because you are in control. When your body follows your mind and your mind follows your wish you just feel immortal. Its quite addictive. fighterdiet
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 23:49:33 +0000

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