Bunny Sick Both capitalism and communism... it can be argued that - TopicsExpress


Bunny Sick Both capitalism and communism... it can be argued that both these are ideals that have never existed, and probably should not be attempted in their most extreme forms. Something in the middle is what has always evolved organically, when war and slavery are not the mode of society people are generally socialist with their family members and capitalist with their surrounding communities... but then there are shelters and charities... so the average people are often trying look after those who effect their immediate environment with what amounts to a mild socialism too. These are not the kind of liberal activities that harm society, the neoliberal policies that give corporations welfare and wealthy people subsidies for humvees as "farm equipment" are just as bad of a cancer eating our insides as the neoconservatives warharking and causing blowback are to our outside. we need to flush all these establishment turds. They made the mistake of promising us things that were not impossible, the world is shifting to make these possibilities a reality as the word spreads, once you have been working at a coop, that enfranchises you, once you have shares in a tenant owned housing project you want to keep getting something in return for the rent and land investment you are helping to pay for each month, once you have voted in direct democracy... nothing less will do. America is not a multinational corporation or a totalitarian government... no matter how much they tell us it is. Direct Democracy (preferably anonymous (as if anything really is anymore), verifiable, online and discussed in public forums) needs to be the main goal of politics on the local, state and federal levels. MORE ISSUES AND LESS POPULARITY CONTESTS. We are fighting to maintain the diversity that will allow our future generations to flourish and enjoy the world they live in. Every loss of diversity weakens this being called Earth. E Pluribus Unum
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 02:31:11 +0000

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