Bush lied sounds so quaint now, doesnt it? I would give anything - TopicsExpress


Bush lied sounds so quaint now, doesnt it? I would give anything to have George Ws mistakes in comparison to Barack Obamas mistakes, and clear, personally DAMAGING deceptions. Talking heads ---conservative and main stream are now pointing to the fact that the lies, the plausible deniabilities, and the doe-eyed surprise shown by the President are directly, significantly affecting individual Americans. Theyre not buying the crapola that its all the insurance companies making business decisions to kick people out of their insurance plans --- The insurance companies have been forced, by the law, not to offer plans that were working for people. You have achieved demonstrable damage to individual Americans when they lose their insurance, or are forced into a government plan 50-500% higher than what they were paying. So now its time for a wide awake America to go back and do some research on these things... 1) Fast and Furious scandal 2) Benghazi 3) AP and James Rosen wire tapping and spying 4) NLRB recess appointments 5) IRS scandal 6) NSA scandal 7) Solyndra 8) QE I, II and III --- money printing to devalue the dollar. 9) Syria, Libya, Egypt and the failed Green Revolution in Iran 10) Talking to Iran while dissing Israel... Where Americans could NOT make the connection to how these things affect their life, its time to overlay the Obamacare template over these scandals. Youll see a consistent, trackable, confirmable pattern of government over-reach, deceptions, stone walling, and smoke and mirrors all designed to fake out the American people, the pivots back to jobs and the economy when the heat was on the most. Were you hurt by these things DIRECTLY? You became less free, less safe, with less privacy, and ultimately, less money in your pocket. You have it dawn on you when you check out at Wal-Mart that your grocery bill is 10-20% higher, you realize its harder to borrow money, and you realize that we are less well thought of in the world than ever. Bush lied, indeed. When history books are written ten years from now, if theyre not all in Arabic or Farsi or Chinese, we will see that the decline and fall of the American empire, while planned, and nibbled away at for over 100-years, went to warp speed between 2008 and 2016. Freedom lessened, and disappeared altogether. And the great American experiment to which we all signed on to failed, under the wheels of tyranny, and fueled with the chaff of people whose apathy and inability to understand what was happening all around them. I hope we remember fondly what it was like in 2008 in America, with a good man in office beset by problems. They said he lied. And they repudiated him. And now they miss him terribly, and hope one more good man like him, with the ability to catch fire in the minds of the American people can save and restore the exceptionalism that WAS America, and save us from hurtling over the cliff. How are you hurt by this? If you have to struggle to REMEMBER what it was like five years ago, it may already be too late.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 01:27:13 +0000

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