But but nature! Marriage doesnt exist in nature. Anywhere. But - TopicsExpress


But but nature! Marriage doesnt exist in nature. Anywhere. But but the Bible! Your specific religion doesnt get the special privilege of defining marriage for all Americans. But but its not normal! In a free country, you cant just ban something for being not normal. But but you cant just change the definition of marriage! Government has the just power to create and modify laws: thats the whole point of a legislature. Reviewing or modifying legal terms is a natural part of that legislative process, and thats exactly what marriage is in this context: a legal term. If you have a different, spiritual definition of marriage, thats fine: nobodys changing that. Keep it, and let other people keep theirs too. Thats religious freedom and equality. People have rights, words do not. But but its an attack on traditional marriage! Except nobody is trying to modify, remove, ban, or otherwise infringe on traditional marriage in any way. But but pedophelia / beastiality! Two words: informed consent. Neither children nor animals are capable of entering a legal contract with informed consent. But but polygamy / incest! Completely irrelevant. These different issues can be decided on their own respective merits and demerits. Thats a conversation we can have in the future, if/when it ever comes up. Until then: stay on topic. But but reproduction! Marriage isnt babymaking and babymaking isnt marriage. Sterile people can wed, married couples are never required to produce children, and single people have kids all the time. The State has always been happy and willing to recognize childless marriages, and youre the one trying to change that. But but my catering business might be asked to serve a gay wedding! Thats oppression! In the United States, businesses dont get to discriminate against people. Your business has to play by the same rules as the rest. Thats equality. Cant handle business regulations? Dont go into business. -- Probably the best comment I have ever read on an online forum. Props to whoever Sven2547 is.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 19:41:10 +0000

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