By Bruce Haller Do you need God’s help? If one understands - TopicsExpress


By Bruce Haller Do you need God’s help? If one understands there is God, they surely realize they need God’s help. As well as, if one understanding there is God in light of man’s many trials and tribulations in this life, they realize they need God’s help. Regardless if one realizes it or not, we all need God’s help. How about it? DO YOU NEED GOD’S HELP? The LORD Jesus Christ: man’s Saviour from sin (its penalty, power, and practice), Sovereign God, and Supreme LORD offers God’s help to those who, by faith, will practice the following found in Matthew 11:28-30… Consistently come unto the LORD Jesus Christ, by faith… 11:28 Come unto me (the LORD Jesus Christ), all ye that labour (toil) and are heavy laden (burdened), and I will give you rest (This is spiritual, scriptural, and supernatural rest regardless of the situation or circumstance.). · Come as sinner with your burdens of sin, for forgiveness, newness of life, and eternal life… · Come in repentance of the practice of sin and anything else that hinders you from receiving God’s help… · Come unto Jesus Christ, as your Saviour, God, and LORD, the one who died on the cross, for your sin and arose from grave to offer you eternal life if you will receive Him, by faith, into your life… Couple up with the LORD Jesus Christ, by faith… 11:29a Jesus says unto you, Take my yoke upon you… · To couple up with the LORD Jesus Christ is to work His works, by faith, in allowing Him to work in and through you… · To couple up with the LORD Jesus Christ is to walk in stride with Him, according to the absolute authority of the Scripture and the Spirit... · To couple up with the LORD Jesus Christ is to want foremost God to be glorified or spiritually, scripturally, and supernaturally manifested in your life and this world… Contemplate upon the LORD Jesus Christ through the Word of God, by faith… 11:29b Jesus went on to say, … and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart (He is easy to receive, by faith, for He is humble and gentle, as the Saviour, to those who believe.): and ye shall find rest (This is spiritual, scriptural, and supernatural rest regardless of one’s situation or circumstance.) unto your souls (The soul is the seat of our intellect, emotions, and will, the inner you. Our souls tend to be dysfunctional with various issues [sins] of heart; therefore, we must come, in repentance of our dysfunctions towards God the Father, unto faith, towards the LORD Jesus Christ to heal and influence help our troubled hearts. He is the only hope that can take our dysfunctional sinful selves and enable us to become spiritually, scripturally, and supernaturally functional in this life and the eternal one to come.). 11:30 Jesus concluded His teaching here with saying: For my yoke (servitude) is easy, and my burden is light. · We learn of the LORD Jesus Christ that being in servitude to Him, as LORD, Master, is easy, by faith… · We learn that the LORD Jesus Christ’s burden, He places upon us is carried, by Him, and He makes light… · We learn of the LORD Jesus Christ through the insights of the absolute authority of these Scriptures, the Bible… · We learn of the LORD Jesus Christ through the influence of the Spirit of God, who indwells every believer the moment they accept Jesus Christ, by faith, into their life, as their Saviour, God, and LORD, according to absolute authority of the Scriptures, the Bible… · We learn of the LORD Jesus Christ through the insights of the absolute authority of the Scriptures, the Bible, and the influence of the Spirit of God, by receiving the truth, by faith, of Who the LORD Jesus Christ is, as our Saviour, God, and LORD, and what He did in giving Himself at the cross of Calvary, as our substitute and sacrifice for our sins. Whereas, if we receive Him, by faith, into our lives, He will delivered us from the penalty of sin. As well as, He will deliver us from the power and practice of sin, and someday He will deliver us from the very presence of sin at our death or at His second coming… DO YOU NEED GOD’S HELP? · You do because you are sinner in need of the Saviour the LORD Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for your sin… · You do because you suffer temptations, trials, and tribulations; in which, you need God to grant mercy, grace, and peace towards you… · You do because the Saviour LORD Jesus Christ bids you to come unto Him in repentance towards God the Father of anything that would hinder such and to yield to Him, as your Saviour, God, and LORD, as you learn and heed, by faith, the absolute authority of the Bible… Do you need God’s help?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 22:37:37 +0000

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