By a friend on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Berlin Wall and - TopicsExpress


By a friend on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Berlin Wall and Communism in India - 1. CPM leaders have always been teflon honest. But they have run West Bengal into ground, totally destroyed the most industrialised state of India. And in bureaucracy there is raging corruption in West Bengal. Kerala mostly being under CPM is living on money orders, and other than postmans bicycle, nothing moves in that state, nothing. 2. Mamata, except selling her paintings at rates which would create inferiority complex in Leonardo Da Vinci, is again Teflon honest and lives a life style which would make Kejeri Bhais maid look like living a life of luxury. 3. We have been here before. V P Singh created exactly same movement around Bofors, won the power at the Centre, and nearly took apart the country and bankrupted it, leading to mortgaging of Gold. 4. Contrary to CAGs fantastic figures, all three-CWG, 2G and Coal, saw only the routine corruption which is present in everything that government does. Noise around CWG only has made sure govt has simply stopped bidding for such games in India. 2G license cancellation only led to reinforcement of the notion in the mind of investors that investing in India means that anyone from any agency can shut down the business, making the investment junk. And when businesses run away, know that jobs of our children are running away. And coal is still being mined. Only thing is that now only mafia gangs are mining it, mafia gangs are transporting it, and mafia gangs are selling it. Creating more black money daily than could have changed hands in allocations. 5. There is corruption in India, and that needs immediate action, but for that not even a small State like Delhi, what to say of the whole country, can be handed over to a Leftist cabal led by a man who has own definitions of honesty, of truth. It speaks volumes about our knowledge of economics and Constitution that quite a few of us could actually fall for the idiocy called Jan Lokpal. 6. We have a man who is truly honest, and who knows how to roll back corruption without rolling the economy over the cliff. No need to hand over even Delhi to the NGO crowd. Country is not a harmonium that people can be permitted to try their hands on it so that we could find out who is the best at playing it.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 23:01:33 +0000

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