By all means stay uninformed out of some kind of sudden misplaced - TopicsExpress


By all means stay uninformed out of some kind of sudden misplaced feeling of letting yourself down; by tuning out all that news. Be sure to sleep through the news about how each government agency secretary ignores doing the right thing in favor of a agenda which targets enemies of the Democratic party and Planned Parenthood. Be sure to feel the need to refresh and tune out from the gossip of how the U.S.A. can no longer be considered a land of privacy rights. Be sure to snooze through the DHS agency having the power that no one else has to look in to your bank safe deposit box without a warrant. Be sure to cleanse the whole nastiness by just tuning it out and letting yourself breath. Because the for-profit Private Prison companies GEO and CCA want to place mandatory 90% occupancy conditions on its contracts with states. Believe the spokes people for GEO and CCA when they say they do not tell the government how to design laws to snare more people...and while you are at it, believe Wells Fargo Bank spokes people when they also say that they too do not set laws that place people in jail, but they do own a heck of a lot of stock in for-profit Private Prison industries... and that industry does LOBBY government officials with LOBBY DOLLARS which in some cases help elect people who decide where to send illegal immigrants as well as anyone else who might break a law. But be sure to tune that out, too. While you are at it... take a nice Calgon bath and try not to remember that we have people starving to death in Guantanamo Bay who are trying to commit suicide, some of which have never been charged with a crime, but sit there rotting as we have no policy to send them back to Yemen. Never mind they are being force fed with straws though the nose... best to tune that out, too. Be sure to stay totally unaware that the person who was accused of starting the Benghazi attack with a Youtube video sits in jail even though that Youtube video had nothing to do with Benghazi. While you are tuning that news out, be sure to stay unaware about Bradley Manning being thrown to the wolves for having a good heart and wanting the truth of how shady our government can behave-exposed. You are right... take a week off from anything electronic. Just stay away from news. Stay away from foreign newspapers, too. Just in case the TRUTH COMES OUT AND SMACKS YOU OUT OF LIVING THE DREAM.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 23:34:39 +0000

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