CALLEM LIKE YOU SEEEM!!!!!!!!!!! For the record, Im not a - TopicsExpress


CALLEM LIKE YOU SEEEM!!!!!!!!!!! For the record, Im not a Democrat, or Republican. I believe in the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms and I believe everyone in this country has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The problem with our government is the politicians. They are all nothing but lying, cheating con-men and women. They all promise us the world, and give us nothing. They are in office to get what they want, at our expense. They are all as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks. They pat you on the back with one hand, and pick your pocket with the other. As humans, we all have one main fault. Greed!!!!!! We all want a new car, a bigger house, a better job. The truest statement ever made, was Theres nothing new under the sun. Everything on this earth has always been here. Over the years, things have taken different forms, but there is nothing new under the sun. The goal of the human race has been for each of us to try and get as much as we can get. Throughout history, the rich have gotten that way on the backs of others.Rich people dont work, so how did they get rich? They were smart enough to figure ways to get others to do the work for them. Politicians have proven to be the slickest of all. What have politicians done for you lately? Nothing!!! You work like a dog all your life, and to date, the government are taking 70 cents of every dollar you make. We live in a shack, eating potted meat sandwiches, while they ride around in cars, fly around the world in jets, live in mansions that we pay for. I think Tennessee Ernie Ford said it best. You load 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter dont you call me, cause I cant go. I owe my soul to the company store. Wake UP America!!!! Its bad enough, the politicians piss in our faces, but I draw the line, when they tell me its rain.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:00:13 +0000

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