CALLS ON THE EC BOSS TO RESIGN Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, - TopicsExpress


CALLS ON THE EC BOSS TO RESIGN Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, Young Democrats vehemently condemn the calls for the resignation of the chairman of the Electoral Commission Dr. Kojo Afari Gyan by leading members and likeminded individuals in the New Patriotic Party (NPP). We find these calls to be preposterous, very ridiculous and infantile. It is very unfortunate that these individuals have not desisted from actions and comments that expose their ignorance. Since 1993 the electoral commission lead by Dr. Kojo Afari Gyan has supervised six successive parliamentary and presidential elections that have produced four successful presidents in this country which the NPP won two and NDC won four. Dr. Kojo Afari Gyan has since discharge his duties in a fashion that has won him the admiration of many in the international community. Recently, the NPP tried unsuccessfully to stain the clean sheets of the Electoral Commission by petitioning the Supreme Court to annul over four million genuine votes, discredit and disgrace Dr. Kojo Afari Gyan and Sulley Amadu and pronounce Nana Addo Danquah Akufu Addo the NPP’s 2008 and 2012 presidential candidate the winner of the 2012 election and the President of the republic of Ghana. On the contrary, the Supreme Court dismissed their claims and attempt to circumvent the rule of law. We respectfully advice leading members of the New Patriotic Party to furnish themselves with articles 44, 45 and 46 of the 1992 constitution that talks about the status of the Electoral Commissioner, time for retirement, grounds for removal and terms and condition of service in order to put an end to their desperation and frustration to win power at all cost. We clearly state without any equivocation that this call is unfounded, unlawful, baseless and without merit. This can only come from sore losers who are clueless of the solution to their endless predicaments. We wish to further call on elements within NPP to desist from calling on the President and Council of State to consult IPAC in the appointment of an Electoral Commissioner, and that all staff of the EC must be change. For their information, IPAC or the Council of State under article 91 of the constitution 1992, have no such legal basis either to determine who is appointed the electoral commissioner or his deputies or to even initiate such appointment. The appointment of an Electoral Commissioner is the sole prerogative of the President in consultation with the Council of State. It is the President that initiates the appointment to the council of state not the vice versa. The prescription by the NPP, and carelessly advocated position by the NPP’s ex-convict and editor in chief of the searchlight Ken Koranchie that, unless the NPP vigorously push for a concession in appointing officers of the EC, they (NPP) should forget about any victory in 2016 elections, smacks of laziness and lack of foresight. Who did the NPP consult when during President Kufour’s time appointed some deputy electoral commissioners? This way of thinking is a recipe for self destruction and we wish to assure the NPP that it will never ever happen because that will be unconstitutional and YDs is ready to go to court on such a constitutional breach. The NPP can only win elections in Ghana through superior grass root mobilization and organization not a proposition to change all EC officers because they are deemed to be NDC. Jake Obetsebi Lamptey and his party should do the right thing to win because doing the right thing is the surest way of doing the wining things. Recently again in the news was a publication attempted to create disaffection between Young Democrats and some distinguished individuals in this country. A gentleman known as JUSTICE DANSO NOVOR published a disgraceful and disparaging statement about Dr. Kwabena Adjei the chairman of the National Democratic Congress NDC in the name of Young Democrats. Young Democrats has since issued a statement to disclaim the publication. We have further written to apologies to Dr Kwabena Adjei for the unfortunate story and advise that like the President Mahama earlier interated, criticism is good but personal attacked destroys society and makes it difficult to ingest the criticism if they are spilled to tarnish hard won reputation. We want to disassociate ourselves from the statement and render an unqualified apology to Dr. Kwabena Adjei. Interestingly Justice Norvor have since apologized to both YDs and Dr. Kwabena Adjei. YDs have no interest whatsoever in who leads the NDC party. We are not an affiliate of the NDC and in fact we are non-partisan but as believers of the social democratic principle, we obviously wish the NDC and the government well. We also wish the CPP and the PNC very well. We do not believe though in the liberal democratic ideals of the NPP however an effective opposition like the NPP must always be welcome and we do in that vein wish all political parties in Ghana well including the NPP. To the best of our knowledge, Dr. Kwabena Adjei has distinguished himself as a leaving example for all politicians to emulate. His impeccable track record cannot be over emphasis. Not to campaign for him but it is a matter of fact that under his tried and texted leadership, he has endeared himself well and won two highly competitive elections for the NDC in Ghana. He deserves our respect. Our core mandate as Young Democrats is not to unnecessarily attack the personality of individuals. Clearly, meddling in the affairs of political parties cannot be our achievements but what we seek to do is to contribute meaningfully to the development of mother Ghana and also make constructive criticism where necessary. Any attack on the personality of Dr Kwabina Adjei amounts to an attack on the NDC party. We strongly condemn this attempt by some politician to hijack the reputation of Dr. Kwabena Adjei for their selfish and parochial interest. The NDC must not take this new development for granted simply because detractors can take advantage of it and sow seeds of discourse amongst the rank and file. The party has not witness unity in such tremendous manner under his able leadership of H.E President John Dramani Mahama. It is time to harness these gains in the administration of the Better Ghana Agenda for a possible second term for the most youngest and pre-independent President of Ghana. From our own reliable sources, the Friday September 20th ediction of the new statesman front page caption gave the impression that the NDC is angry with president Mahama and sort to portray that the President is in the business of bringing radical change in the NDC thereby introducing ‘intruders’ into his administration. The paper particularly singled out Dr. Clement Apaak and Dr. Kpessa Whyte all academicians who do not believe in the NDC but have been employed to justify the so called radical change. This allegation by the paper is obviously meant to divert attention in the state of confusion and in-fighting within the NPP. We urge members and sympathizers of the NDC and the government to ignore Gabby Asare Ochere and his cohorts who have reneged on his promise to quit politics after the 2012 elections. We know that both Apaak and Whyte are social democrats, competent and believe in the better Ghana Agenda. We rather commend the President for such move because it is in line with his own policy of all inclusiveness. A policy that the NPP has vehemently rejected (P.C Appiah Ofori) Source: Youndemocrats Press Conference (24th sept 2013)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:35:36 +0000

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