CAN I STILL REJOICE IN THE FACE OF DISAPPOINTMENT? Romans 5:3-4 Everyone experience disappointment at one time or the other. Some have troubled relationships, disappointment in the result of an examination or the result of an employment interview;the death of a loved ones; the lost of a job; health challenges, betrayal of a friend, poor job evaluation or test scores, failure to get a contract,divorce etc. When disappointment happens, many peoples feel hurt and sad. In that mood, they become frustrated,dispair and hopelessness may set in. People are not hurt the same way by every disappointment. Some are not hurt when they face financial challenges but may be disappointed if they have a broken relationship or educational disappointment. Whether we like it or not, we all are going to face one disappointment or the other. Feelings of disappointment can come from anywhere, anything and anybody because we live in an imperfect world.There are different avenues to encounter disappointment. Our spouses, children, bosses, teachers, our cars, promotion that does not come when expected, unjust treatment we receive,a gift we are expecting that does not come, a business deal that fell through etc. While saying that we should not anticipate disappointment,we should also prepare for it in case it comes.This is because everything will not always turn out as you expect. Jesus himself was disappointed when his own people did not believe in him.When the disciples did not believe in him Mark. 9:29. His greatest disappointment was when God did not save him from the cross. The fact is not whether we shall face disappointments but what should be our response when we face disappointment.If you face disappointment,you must re-evaluate and adjust your expectations.That is, believe that there is hope and do not allow those problem to deflate you. Another thing we can do is not to wallow in our disappointment.We must pick ourselves up and continue with life. Also reassure yourself with the words of Romans 8:28, All things worketh unto good for those who love God. Romans 5:3-4 says, We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know they are good for us.They help us learn to endure. In conclusion, I want to say, do not allow disappointment to deflate you but pick yourselves up and forge ahead. May God help us in Jesus Name. Prayers 1.Pray against every disappointment this week. 2.Pray to overcome any disappointment you may face.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:58:56 +0000

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