CAN OUR DEAD SPEAK TO US? prt 2 Goodevening Bermuda we will - TopicsExpress


CAN OUR DEAD SPEAK TO US? prt 2 Goodevening Bermuda we will continue our investigation concerning the state of the dead. Before we start lets pray. Heavenly Father I cant teach this message without the help of Your Holy Spirit. Please bless all who may read it. For our eternal life depends upon us knowing and understanding what is Present Truth. In Jesus name. Amen. In order to get the fulness of the truths contained in Gods word we must study line upon line here a little and there a little. One scripture will not do. In John 5:39 Jesus instructs us to search the scriptures. Dig deep! Lets go! 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly that in the latter { now} times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Paul was warning young Timothy that in his time and ours there would be people led astray as was Eve by the false teachings of the devil and his fallen angels that would infiltrate the churches Satan and his demons have ever been at war for more than 5000 years. Against God His Law and Government. Rev 12;7-9&12 tells us that it began in heaven. Now satan lost the war up there bt he has brought it to us with a vengence. He has determined that no person may know the truths contained in the Holy Scriptures. But praise God for men and women who are willing to be used by Him to teach the Words of Life. This teaching of life after death can be heard at many funerals today. The speakers will say that the departed is now in the presence of God praising Him. Also that they are even looking down on friends and family members. Well lets see if this is so. Psalms 6:5 For in DEATH there is NO REMEMBRANCE of Thee; in the GRAVE who shall give Thee THANKS? 115:17..The DEAD PRAISE NOT the Lord; neither any that go down into SILENCE> Even plainer 146:3-4 Put not your trust the son of man in whom is no help. His BREATH goes forth [stops], he returns to the EARTH [dust]; in that VERY DAY his THOUGHTS PERISH [cease]. People its clear. So lets do a quick review. 1. The dead dont remember anything or speak. 2. They dont praise anyone, all is silence in the grave. 3. The same day of death their thought processes stop. In closing the Prophet of God has this to say in Great Controversy pg 545..Upon the fundamental error of natural immortality rest the doctrine[teachings] of CONCIOUSNESS in DEATH.- a doctrine....opposed to the teachings of the Scriptures. Again I say if any person or minister says contrary to the Word of God dont believe them. Stay tuned and stay blessed Bermuda.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:03:31 +0000

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