CANCER BATTLE FIELD CAMPAIGN ( our mission ) Today, cancer is - TopicsExpress


CANCER BATTLE FIELD CAMPAIGN ( our mission ) Today, cancer is one of the foremost killers and is claiming the lives of younger and younger Americans. Through personal lost of a family member or a third party acquaintance surely you can attest that cancer has become an epidemic. Our team of concerned and compassionate individuals have jumped on the battle field to combat cancer by any means necessary. Through reseaching and making information available regarding treatment break-throughs, testimonials, identifying possible habits that may lead to cancer / changes that may eliminate or prevent. Theres a wealth of research, support networks, and treatments options available. Our mission is to keep people linked to these avenues for potential life changing possibilities. Please check out & share some of our sidebar links. We also need your support in raising funds to keep this battle going- busybeesofcancerawareness.bigcartel > CANCER TREATMENT - VITAL INFO: ( dca / chitin synthesis inhibitor / baking soda - alkalizes the body / cannabis / vitamin D ) *DCA ( dichloroacetic acid ) - is a very inexpensive synthetic substance to produce. It has been reported to have success in activating what is called the MITROCHONDRIA CELLS. The mitrochondrias natural response would be to attack the cancer but, for some unknown reason they lay in a dormant state regarding the cancerous cells. DCA some how activates a charge in the mitrochondria cells and they respond by attacking the cancer cells. This action creates a process called the apoptosis where the interior of the cancer cell is destroyed. FOR MORE IN-DEPTH INFO - GOOGLE / YOUTUBE: Dr. Evangelos Mickelakis / snopes / mercola / sunridgemedical
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:33:39 +0000

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