CARRYING THE MESSAGE. FIRST THINGS FIRST. With a COMMUNICABLE disease such as EBOLA, COMMUNICATE with the public BEFORE EBOLA has the chance to COMMUNICATE with them. With the most Up to date Knowledge about the Disease Sharing the experience and hope of those affected by the disease and Experties of those Medical Experts in the Medical field That deal with EBOLA. Including those who currently Search for a vaccine to stop EBOLA in its tracks. As the medical experts and those they serve in Akron ,Summit county and surrounding area close their eyes and remain a sleep.Ebolas ugly face permeates those he greets, traveling about those Hamlets and city streets.#1 CDC is an agency to protect and educate Americans from a disease such as ebola. How prepaired were we?Why is Dr. Frieden Still in office?They are also giving inaccurate Instructions to people calling for help,if they can get thru. Every minute that goes by Ebola has many more victoms in its cross hairs.CDC needs a complete overhaul and a new director open to changes.#2 Why is Texas Presbyterian hospital still open? To serve more Ebola? Unless its to keep their current patients from infecting other people and professionals at other hospitals and establishments. They need to roll out the yellow tape and contain patients and health professionals Including the director of the hospital. Better to place Mr. Frieden behind that yellow tape also. Also keep everyone else far from the place. Its to late ,Ebola is out the gate. BETTER TO EAT AT HOME THAN ALL ABOUT,EBOLA COULD SHOW UP ON YOUR PLATE AND GIVE YOU A SHOUT.NURSES BEGIN TO TALK. FIND THEY STAND ALONE .MISLED BY THE CDC.NURSES WALK. FOR A NURSE SAFETY FIRST,EBOLA COULD BE YOUR FINAL CURSE. THEY NOW BELONG TO AMERICAS HIGHEST OCCUPATIONAL FATALITY RATE. You might as well leave your first aid kit at home. We must stand United or one by one taken down. As trees ablaze in the wilderness,with no one standing around. Chard and carted off,by men wearing plastic gloves. This has nothing to do with the man who sits above.We have been given the warning. Lets not be carted off.The same as Thomas Eric Duncan,by a hazmat team wearing plastic gloves. AMERICAN HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS. -----------Purchase or add to your Life Insurance Policies Now,While Its still available to you,or before your rates rise. Ebola is Alive and Well. Will your current employer provide for You and your family after your infected by EBOLA. A deadly disease.HERE WE GO! AMERICA ROLLS OUT THE WELCOME MAT TO THE EBOLA DEADLY DISEASE. Now runs rampant in the USA. Can the Obama troops defend us at home as well as abroad?Now the question emerges(How do we contain it) How is it transmitted?Can it be transmitted by dogs,cats,flys or bats?Can it travel by day as well as by night? Can it flourish in the cold night air as well as the heat of the day? Does it like Rain? In Africa ,Ebola may have been transported mainly by foot from within a village or to a near by village.Many of these villagers cant afford a bicycle.In America ,Ebola can be transported within hours from one coast to the opposite by car, rail or speedy by air. It enjoys a good movie as well a meal at your favorite restaurant.Its favorite hangout may be at your nearest hospital.Who has seen it come or seen it go? Some of our best Doctors Who have went to battle and recieved its blow dont even know.It has but one primary Purpose,to Kill and Destroy.Ebola ROCKS America.Ebola RAGES. Barack Obama wages war on the Deadly Disease. Subjecting 3000 US Military Boots on the ground to combat the elusive, obscure, non discriminating ,horrific, silent Killer. By Artist Dennis Scott. Portraying Life challenges of 1 of 3000 ordered by Commander and Chief President Barack Obama.Titled (At the end of the day) Ebola Rages . The Silent Killer. At the end of the day. Experience of 1 of 3000 Boots on the ground, sent by President Barack Obama to combat the Deadly disease,in Africa ,his fathers Homeland. By Artist Dennis Scott. Dedicated to those American service men who were sent in Harms Way. Oil on Canvas. 36x36 inches. By Artist Dennis Scott.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:08:09 +0000

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