CATECHISM IN A YEAR Day 103 - Why is the Church called - TopicsExpress


CATECHISM IN A YEAR Day 103 - Why is the Church called apostolic? // How is the Church structured? Why is the Church called apostolic? The Church is called apostolic because she was founded by the apostles, holds fast to their Tradition, and is governed by their successors. Jesus called the apostles to be his closest collaborators. They were his eyewitnesses. After his Resurrection, he appeared to them repeatedly. He bestowed on them the Holy Spirit and sent them as his authoritative messengers to all the world. They assured unity in the early Church. They conferred their mission and authority upon their successors, the bishops, through the laying on of hands. This process is called apostolic succession. How is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church structured? In the Church there are the laity and clerics (clergy). As children of God, they are of equal dignity. They have equally important but different tasks. The mission of the laity is to direct the whole world toward the kingdom of God. In addition, there are the ordained ministers (clerics), who have the duties of ecclesiastical governance, teaching, and sanctification. In both states of life, there are Christians who place themselves at Gods disposal in a special way through celibacy, poverty, and obedience (for example, consecrated religious). Every Christian has the duty to bear witness to the Gospel by his own life. But God walks a special path with each person. Some he sends as laymen, so that they might build up the kingdom of God by their family and occupation in the midst of the world. For this purpose, he bestows on them in Baptism and Confirmation all the necessary gifts of the Holy Spirit. Others he entrusts with the pastoral ministry; they are to govern, teach, and sanctify his people. No one can take this duty upon himself; the Lord himself must send him on his way with his divine power through Holy Orders, so that he can act in the place of Christ and administer the sacraments. (YOUCAT questions 137-138) Dig Deeper: CCC section (857-860) and other references here. Find answers to the toughest question we face about the Church: Check out Answering Common Objections - A 6-CD Set by Dr. Scott Hahn.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 05:50:52 +0000

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