CAUTION MISS SPELLED WORDS CAN BE HAZARDOUS ON MY POST AND COMMENTS So let me get this out and let you all know that though I can not spell does not in no way make me stupid or lazy I am going to give yall my back ground mabby it will lighten some of you up or at the very least make you stop And think before you say something disrespectful or rudd to someone that is anything but Christ like I grew up in a kinda crazy and to say the least disfunchenl family ( now see spell check has stopped to scratch has no clue what Im trying to spell) But thats ok all you have to do is sound it out. There was always lots of drinking and fighting and thats on the good days but Ill not go Into all of that my mom was always working some days I hardly seen her because she was working she done thw best she new how to do and I love and miss her dearly as a child we were very poor and moved around a lot I had a bad speech problem as a child which I no longer have though I do have a southern ascent which a lot of ppl love I counted one time over 100 moves just as a kid not in the military we would follow crops or apples peaches oranges blue berries what ever and if it wasnt that we would get kicked out do to family wrecking the place ( for example when I was 8 we came home one time to two uncles and one of there wifes taking our copper pluming and junking it and guess what they jumped us one uncle had my brother who was 17 another had my sister who was 18 and my aunt was on my momma well me being a take no crap child I jumped on my aunts back and held myself on with my legs wraped around her Indian style and she was fat so I had to think how to get her off my momma and stay on myself so I reached over her shoulders and grabed her boobs both of them and squeezed and twisted as hard as I could I tell you what it worked she got off my momma and ran out the door screaming she was gonna kill me. Seems funny now remembering back but dont mess with my momma School only good thing about it was I knew Id have food I was teased and tormented always had lice ( I freek out if I fiend them in my kids hair from school and go nuts cleaning and spraying everything my kids dont have same problem) I had them bad all the time and lots of ppl smoking in the home so I didnt smell very good my close never matched and I had a learning disability ( I got to ride the little yellow bus) so all that put together made school a hell for me At school they just passed me weather if I knew the work or not Jr high was the wost we were in Florida about 5 white kids in the whole school ( now dont take that wrong I live ppl of all colur and race ) and they wasnt ro fond of the dum white cracker lol I sat in class with no books no paper nothing nothing but spit wads in my hair from the other kids not at this time my hair and I was clean we lived with my oldest sister so I wasnt around lice to catch it well need i say I started fighting GIJane was who I wanted to be lol so everyday I exercised and worked out on the monkey bars REALLY lol was crazy faught all the time had a cop take me home a few times now i didnt want ro fight I would of cut my left arm and right leg off for a friend finnely we moved back to Illinois when I was 13 but u see I came back defencive and hard but it wasnt long for us to be low on food and my brother God save him went bum men for $ he said to buy food but it was really for beer well they was smart told him to comeback and they woukd get us food but not cash so he had my sister and I go to church with him a Pentecostal church so my brother gos out side and leaves my sister and I inside with what we thought was a bunch of rich ppl ( they really wernt) and after church this big bald preacher man stand on platform and points to us and says u see those 2 girls in the back there they are out off food so before you go home stop and get directions to there home and all of them did my sister and I about killed my brother The next day car load after car load bring us food candy even I was so excited Then they wouldnt leave me alone after that they were always. Stolen by to take me to youth night or to another church like EVERYDAY they would even take me to there homes to play games They showed me a whole new way to live I will never forget them I had never seen how a family was supposed to be untell then When they found out that I couldnt read Rodger Sumner my friends husband Melody Illig Sumner told me to go home and go into my room open up my bible and even though I couldnt read it to look at the words and pray and ask heavenly father to teach me how to read and it wasnt but about a year latter that I was reading everything I could get my hands on Now that I knew what family could be thats all I wanted not collage but a husband and a home children this was my dream to have a church going family By time I was in high school first semester freshman year I went to four different high schools need I say I flunked first semester I decided to move in. With my preacher and his family untell momma got in housing because I did want to graduate high school so i did I also decided to stop careing about what ppl thought about me and to stop being shy and so I did I got married at 16 got pragnet at 18 it was planed I wanted a baby right out of high school little did I know that my baby wouldnt live after birth I was told to abort or I could die I said then I die that was Feb.12,1998 I gave birth to a stillborn baby girl Shantillylace Ann ( everyone told me to spell shantilly with a C Chantilly but you see she was my baby and ill spell her name the way I want) she was born May17,1998 I walked down the eyel in my cap and gown 1 week after I barrier her My senior year I did ask my teacher to teach me how to spell before I graduated she said Sylvia there are 2 kinds of ppl in the world those that can spell and those that cant and Sylvia you are one that cant she gave me some fancy word for ppl that. Spell a word exactly how it sounds So thats it I am by no means stupid nore is this a fill sorry for me petty party learning is not always from books and class rooms though thats good Heavenly Father Loves Me not for how smart I am not for how good a job I have not because I have 10 kids not because I served on a mission no Heavenly Father Loves me for Who I Am May this of given you a better understanding about where I have come from and out of so that you can show more love and conpashion for those of us who are different In Jesus name amen
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 03:39:23 +0000

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