CEHLFA INTERNATIONAL A NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION CLEAN ENVIRONMENT HEALTHY LIFE FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL VISION / MISSION STATEMENT: Our vision is to satisfy purity among all Ghanaians in order to facilitate an accomplishment goal which is an implementation tool for a cleaner, safer and healthier environment to live in. The mission of the organization is to ensure a clean and healthy environment for all Ghanaians AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To create awareness on the need to have a clean and healthy environment that will enhance quality life for the citizens of Ghana through public education at all levels. To involve transport operators in the promotion of hygiene at all lorry parks through the formation of specific lorry park environmental clubs. To organize cleanup programs at all the member lorry parks, to ensure their cleanliness. To ensure that all drivers provide litter bins in all their vehicles for the collection of waste on board the vehicles. To take care of all water bodies through tree planting. To check the environment through task forcing. To promote care for surroundings and healthy living for all. To promote and protect public health by ensuring hygienic environment, clean air, safe and sufficient water, adequate and safe food, safe and peaceful settlements and a stable environment. Illegal unfriendly environmental activities, “Cehlfa” way forward to eliminate Such untoward activities from the nation Ghana. CEHLFA INTERNATIONAL Initiative is to implement measures and safe guard the environment of Ghana. SUMMARY: God created man to protect and take care of the environment as stated from genesis but man failed. Man now generates a whole lot of waste and garbage’s onto the environment causing pollution. Consequently, diseases and death are the outcome thus it must be checked by cleaning the environment and live a healthy life by Ghanaians putting a stop to illegal unfriendly environmental activities and protect the environment from degrading. This is a total neglect of man duty to protect the environment and so we don’t want God to be annoyed with us, thus clean environment healthy life for all Ghanaians to partake as wakeup call duty from CEHLFA to light up Ghanaians in safe guarding their own environment. TASK: Ghanaians should help realize CEHLFA aims and objectives come to light, alive and achieved throughout the country. Mother Ghana Thank You! THE WAKE UP CALL IS DUE FOR CEHLFA TO LIGHT UP GHANA! ELLIMINATION BY TACTICAL APPROACH CEHLFA INTERNATIONAL, main objective is to create awareness on the need to have a clean and healthy environment that will enhance quality life for the citizens of Ghana through public education at all levels. By so doing, we identify, assess and monitor all illegal and unfriendly environmental activities that continue to degrade our dear nation environment, find solutions to them and take necessary steps to curtail such untoward activities out of Ghana. In view of this pursuance, CEHLFA breaks down the way forward into generic headings and demonstrate what is needed for Ghanaians to put in place and practice to stop environmental degradation for the purpose of attaining a clean and healthy environment stable for all. Generic headings and their meanings: Creation Of the world: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth {Genesis 1:1}. Then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth {Genesis 1:26}. Now, let’s note that the earth is the same as our surroundings, the environment and comprises of everything thing that exist in it such as inhabitants. Man is the image of God and we are made in his likeness and the breath of life given us is God spirit in us to make us a living creature with positive attitude. In addition, man that God created is me and you representing individuals living on the earth and so we must be concern about the environment and what we can do to manage it. Humanity: Humankind is given charge to take care of the earth which is our environment and living surroundings and as care takers we need not to fail our father of creation God. What we must do is to protect the environment by cleaning it and living a healthy life by all but its different now a days and I wonder why? Because human beings now deteriorate the environment and seems to ignore the purpose of creation which states man should protect the environment. The spirit of God that is in us gives us the ability and power to think and do things right, positively, righteously, justice, truth, holy and fair to enable humankind achieve the level of protection that the environment need. The power and responsibility rest in the hands of humankind to attain clean and healthy environment because they are the images of God. They know the differences between good and bad and have the ability to cause a change, when something is affecting them because they live in it and the consequences affect them. Human must choose to conserve the environment and act now to make the world a safer and healthier place to live. Waste: The unwanted materials, products and substances which are of excess to human consumption or are of no use to human wants and needs. They can be in a nature of natural and human resources that facilitate human living on earth. They come in a form of sand, leaves, papers, plastic bags, rubber bags, paper bags, dirty water, food substance {garbage}, scrub of any kind and metal pieces, etc. These wastes are categorize in forms which are paper products, rubber products, metal products and food substances and others such as dirty water, leaves, and excretes of animal. The result of waste on the environment is arising from our own abysmal degradation of the environment. As matter of fact human generates 80% environmental pollution and nature or natural resources makes about 20%. Human uses waste to pollute the environment by littering the environment with the waste. Environment: The environment is part of our mother earth that we live on. It amounted to an essential tool in God creation whereby all inhabitants must exist on it and so it is special to humankind because man was formed from the ground which is part of the earth {environment}. With the environment life for man was made easier through the provision of food, shelter, water and basic needs from the natural resources that the earth possesses. This means that if the environment is unclean then automatically the body or humanity becomes unhealthy due to the fact that a sound mind solely rest in a healthy body. A polluted environment causes death, disasters and diseases which affect humanity. Pollution: The contamination of Earth’s environment, with materials such as waste and other hazardous substances thus interfere human health and the quality of life. There are various types of pollution and some are air, water, soil and noise pollution, etc. Pollution deteriorates the beauty and natural state of things and they cause problems for humankind especially in their health and life aspect. Some kinds of pollutions are naturally caused by erosion and the rest humankind causes them such as deforestation, stagnant bad odor water and bush burning and etc. Consequences {effects}: If human beings do not protect the environment and prevent its deterioration, a lot of things will happen to mother earth as consequences of human neglect from duty call to clean the environment. Our health status will be affected and earth be destroyed due to the choking of gutters causing flooding, bush burning, deforestation causing lack of shade and fresh ventilation, diseases like cholera and malaria causing by house fly and unable to wash our dirty hands before eating. Bad scented stench areas, stagnant waters in gutters breeding mosquitoes, defecation in gutters by human beings, improper waste disposal, littering our surroundings with waste and contaminating our water with hazardous chemicals industrial waste with whole lot attributes to death. Now, if a father gives something to his son or daughter and he or she does not take good care of the thing, what happens is that the father takes back his thing. God will take back earth environment from human beings, if we cannot take good care of it. Genesis 5: 6-7 states that, 6, and the Lord was sorry that He had made man on earth, and He was grieved in his heart. 7, so the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them. Humanity base on this statement please take charge and protect the environment by performing your duty and clean the environment for healthy life. Solutions {what must we do}: Humans must obey the Lord God and take charge to protect the environment. Then we must dispose of waste and garbage into litter bins by placing them into their correct categorization. Correct categorization means, plastic for rubber products bins, metal products for irons, paper products for papers and etc to ease recycling. We must desilt our gutters when they are chocked. We must grow trees and avoid littering our surroundings. We should remove buildings from blocking water ways and stop defecating in gutters and alongside beaches. Smoking in public is prohibited to avoid air pollution and let’s grow cover crops to avoid erosion. We must clear stagnant waters in gutters to avoid mosquitoes breeding and wash our hands, clothes, cooking utensils and brush our teeth with cutting down our pubic hair, bath twice daily to improve our personal hygiene. Industries must control their waste in order to prevent contamination to our waters, rivers, lagoons, lakes and seas. We should sweep our surroundings immediately they become dirty and weed our grasses when they are grown. Waste trucks must collect waste from dust bins and dispose of waste far off waste treatment dump site always and promptly. All homes and infrastructure must have convenient places to ease themselves and public toilets must be constructed more in the country. Do not dump waste materials in to gutters, do not pour waste and polluted dirty water in to gutters but check your drainage system and let it serve its purpose well. Widen the gutters if they are too small to accommodate the passing of rain water. Organize clean-up campaigns among communities and discourage people from buying items that are not environmental friendly. The public must lessen the amount of waste through reduce of product consumption. They should re-use products as much as possible, before discarding them. We should recycle items for the purpose of conserving our forestry and metal resources and reducing the pollution caused by manufacturing and by ordinary garbage disposal methods. Finally, this is how CEHLFA provides its services to Ghanaians and urge clean environment healthy life for all in a manner of awareness creation to abolish illegal unfriendly environmental activities that continue to degrade our nation Ghana’s environment. GHANA PLEASE IS YOUR CALL AND SO LIGHT UP! GOD BLESSES OUR HOME LAND GHANA.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:51:58 +0000

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