CHEAT MEALS Another way to incorporate a cheat is to just have a - TopicsExpress


CHEAT MEALS Another way to incorporate a cheat is to just have a cheat meal rather than a day. In this case the person would just eat whatever it was that they had been craving at one meal and follow their regular meal plan as scheduled. Usually with these types of cheats, the focus is on eating forbidden foods since they will be eating as normal for the rest of the day. BENEFITS OF CHEATING Physiologically, cheats can offer many benefits. If you have been dieting pretty hardcore, its likely that you have low muscle glycogen levels. Along with this often comes a sluggish feeling during your workouts and less than optimal strength. GLYCOGEN Glycogen is a polysaccharide of glucose (Glc) which functions as the secondary short term energy storage in animal cells. It is made primarily by the liver and the muscles, but can also be made by the brain and stomach. You may also find that you are fatiguing faster than normal and are not able to keep up with your previous performance. A cheat meal or day, since it often means an excess of calories and carbohydrates taken in, will serve to replenish some of these stores, which will help give you more energy and train harder at your next workouts. Along with decreased muscle glycogen that goes with dieting, there is also a slowing of the metabolism effect. The body senses starvation and tries to lower the amount of energy it needs to continue to function on a daily basis. This means you will be burning less calories just sitting there than if you hadnt been dieting, which makes weight loss even harder. When you shock your system with a high influx of calories at one time, the bodys metabolism will show an increase and youll kick start your furnace into high gear once again. This will help you body to get less accustomed to running on a lower caloric level and make getting lean easier.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:28:30 +0000

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